RRC ID 69996
Author Inoue M, Takeuchi A, Manita S, Horigane SI, Sakamoto M, Kawakami R, Yamaguchi K, Otomo K, Yokoyama H, Kim R, Yokoyama T, Takemoto-Kimura S, Abe M, Okamura M, Kondo Y, Quirin S, Ramakrishnan C, Imamura T, Sakimura K, Nemoto T, Kano M, Fujii H, Deisseroth K, Kitamura K, Bito H.
Title Rational Engineering of XCaMPs, a Multicolor GECI Suite for In Vivo Imaging of Complex Brain Circuit Dynamics.
Journal Cell
Abstract To decipher dynamic brain information processing, current genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) are limited in single action potential (AP) detection speed, combinatorial spectral compatibility, and two-photon imaging depth. To address this, here, we rationally engineered a next-generation quadricolor GECI suite, XCaMPs. Single AP detection was achieved within 3-10 ms of spike onset, enabling measurements of fast-spike trains in parvalbumin (PV)-positive interneurons in the barrel cortex in vivo and recording three distinct (two inhibitory and one excitatory) ensembles during pre-motion activity in freely moving mice. In vivo paired recording of pre- and postsynaptic firing revealed spatiotemporal constraints of dendritic inhibition in layer 1 in vivo, between axons of somatostatin (SST)-positive interneurons and apical tufts dendrites of excitatory pyramidal neurons. Finally, non-invasive, subcortical imaging using red XCaMP-R uncovered somatosensation-evoked persistent activity in hippocampal CA1 neurons. Thus, the XCaMPs offer a critical enhancement of solution space in studies of complex neuronal circuit dynamics. VIDEO ABSTRACT.
Volume 177(5)
Pages 1346-1360.e24
Published 2019-5-16
DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2019.04.007
PII S0092-8674(19)30393-9
PMID 31080068
MeSH Action Potentials / physiology* Animals Axons / metabolism* Cerebral Cortex / cytology Cerebral Cortex / metabolism* Female Hippocampus / cytology Hippocampus / metabolism* Interneurons / cytology Interneurons / metabolism* Mice Mice, Transgenic Pyramidal Cells / cytology Pyramidal Cells / metabolism* Rats Rats, Sprague-Dawley
IF 38.637
DNA material pBS-CaMKIIpro-XCaMP-Gf-WPRE (RDB19470) pBS-CaMKIIpro-XCaMP-G-WPRE (RDB19471) pBS-CaMKIIpro-XCaMP-Y-WPRE (RDB19472) pBS-CaMKIIpro-XCaMP-B-WPRE (RDB19473) pBS-CaMKIIpro-XCaMP-R-WPRE (RDB19474)