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  • 検索条件 : 絞込み (MeSH = Epithelial Cells / immunology*)
生物種 リソース名 タイトル
ヒト・動物細胞 HCE-T(RCB2280) Expression of immune response genes in human corneal epithelial cells interacting with Aspergillus flavus conidia.
線虫 tm1416 YAP in epithelium senses gut barrier loss to deploy defenses against pathogens.
ショウジョウバエ DGRC#109029 Cell-Specific Imd-NF-κB Responses Enable Simultaneous Antibacterial Immunity and Intestinal Epithelial Cell Shedding upon Bacterial Infection.
遺伝子材料 pMY-FLAG-mouse IkB-zeta(D)-IRES-GFP (RDB16741) , pcDNA3-FLAG-mouse IkB-zeta(D) (RDB16742) Enhanced apoptosis by disruption of the STAT3-IκB-ζ signaling pathway in epithelial cells induces Sjögren's syndrome-like autoimmune disease.
遺伝子材料 pEGFP-C1-Cog6 (RDB15979). Molecular mechanisms of Streptococcus pneumoniae-targeted autophagy via pneumolysin, Golgi-resident Rab41, and Nedd4-1-mediated K63-linked ubiquitination.
線虫 tm1325 , tm13325 Serotonergic chemosensory neurons modify the C. elegans immune response by regulating G-protein signaling in epithelial cells.
ヒト・動物細胞 EoL-1 cell(RCB0641) Eosinophil-epithelial cell interactions stimulate the production of MUC5AC mucin and profibrotic cytokines involved in airway tissue remodeling.
実験動物マウス RBRC01834 Enhanced apoptosis by disruption of the STAT3-IκB-ζ signaling pathway in epithelial cells induces Sjögren's syndrome-like autoimmune disease.
実験動物マウス RBRC02330 Agonistic anti-CD40 induces thyrocyte proliferation and promotes thyroid autoimmunity by increasing CD40 expression on thyroid epithelial cells.
ヒト・動物細胞 LC-1/sq(RCB0455) Identification of an epitope from the epithelial cell adhesion molecule eliciting HLA-A*2402-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte responses.