• 12 Hits
  • 検索条件 : 絞込み (MeSH = Nerve Tissue Proteins)
生物種 リソース名 タイトル
ショウジョウバエ DGRC#115240 , DGRC#109740 A surfactant lipid layer of endosomal membranes facilitates airway gas filling in Drosophila.
線虫 tm10626 PDZD-8 and TEX-2 regulate endosomal PI(4,5)P2 homeostasis via lipid transport to promote embryogenesis in C. elegans.
ショウジョウバエ 1395R-1 , 4217R-2 EGFR signaling activates intestinal stem cells by promoting mitochondrial biogenesis and β-oxidation.
ヒト・動物細胞 Hepa 1-6(RCB1638) Involvement of Npas2 and Per2 modifications in zinc-induced acute diurnal toxicity in mice.
線虫 tm2044 , tm1446 , tm4595 , tm1768 Regulation of Gliogenesis by lin-32/Atoh1 in Caenorhabditis elegans.
線虫 tm349 Cortical anchoring of the microtubule cytoskeleton is essential for neuron polarity.
ヒト・動物細胞 ST2(RCB0224) Bone Microenvironment Changes in Latexin Expression Promote Chemoresistance.
ショウジョウバエ EDL/MAE regulates EGF-mediated induction by antagonizing Ets transcription factor Pointed.
線虫 tm446 , magi-1(tm464) MAGI-1 modulates AMPA receptor synaptic localization and behavioral plasticity in response to prior experience.
ゼブラフィッシュ The zebrafish forkhead transcription factor Foxi1 specifies epibranchial placode-derived sensory neurons.
実験動物マウス RBRC00208 An expressed pseudogene regulates the messenger-RNA stability of its homologous coding gene.
ラット KZC/Tky(strainID=20) Rat neurological disease creeping is caused by a mutation in the reelin gene.