• 14 Hits
  • 検索条件 : 絞込み (MeSH = Recombination, Genetic / genetics*)
生物種 リソース名 タイトル
ヒト・動物細胞 LM8(RCB1450) Development of an Oncolytic Recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Encoding a Tumor-suppressor MicroRNA.
原核生物(枯草菌) MBS749 , MBS750 , MBS751 , MBS752 , MBS753 , MBS754 , MBS755 , MBS756 , MBS768 The first high frequency of recombination-like conjugal transfer from an integrated origin of transfer sequence in Bacillus subtilis 168.
酵母 BY3072 , BY22441 , BYP558 , BYP556 Meiotic chromosomal recombination defect in sake yeasts.
実験動物マウス RBRC01515 , RBRC02975 Optimizing Nervous System-Specific Gene Targeting with Cre Driver Lines: Prevalence of Germline Recombination and Influencing Factors.
線虫 tm1620 , tm1400 Telomere maintenance through recruitment of internal genomic regions.
遺伝子材料 pAID-GTOP (RDB03000) , pmAID BSSK (RDB02864). Class switch recombination and hypermutation require activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), a potential RNA editing enzyme.
原核生物(大腸菌) Production of 3-hydroxypropionic acid via malonyl-CoA pathway using recombinant Escherichia coli strains.
原核生物(大腸菌) NA Effect of puuC overexpression and nitrate addition on glycerol metabolism and anaerobic 3-hydroxypropionic acid production in recombinant Klebsiella pneumoniae ΔglpKΔdhaT.
遺伝子材料 nBLUEneo (RDB07039). Gene disruption/knock-in analysis of mONT3: vector construction by employing both in vivo and in vitro recombinations.
藻類 NIES-3377 Improvement of culture conditions and evidence for nuclear transformation by homologous recombination in a red alga, Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D.
藻類 NIES-88 , NIES-89 , NIES-90 , NIES-102 , NIES-107 , NIES-103 Evidence for recombination in the microcystin synthetase (mcy) genes of toxic cyanobacteria Microcystis spp.
オオムギ Haruna nijo , H602? An application of high-throughput SNP genotyping for barley genome mapping and characterization of recombinant chromosome substitution lines.
原核生物(大腸菌) pMCL200 , pMCL210 , pMBL18 , pMBL19 Positive selection system for identification of recombinants using alpha-complementation plasmids.
情報 E.coli Chromosomal deletion formation system based on Tn5 double transposition: use for making minimal genomes and essential gene analysis.