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Species Resource Title
Japanese macaques Modulation of somatosensory signal transmission in the primate cuneate nucleus during voluntary hand movement.
C.elegans tm1357 , tm4024 , tm469 let-7 miRNA controls CED-7 homotypic adhesion and EFF-1-mediated axonal self-fusion to restore touch sensation following injury.
Japanese macaques Dependence of behavioral performance on material category in an object-grasping task with monkeys.
C.elegans tm474 Functional phenotypic rescue of Caenorhabditis elegans neuroligin-deficient mutants by the human and rat NLGN1 genes.
C.elegans tm1552 The neural circuits and sensory channels mediating harsh touch sensation in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm5771 Regulation of mechanosensation in C. elegans through ubiquitination of the MEC-4 mechanotransduction channel.
Japanese macaques Neuronal activity of the anterior cingulate cortex during an observation-based decision making task in monkeys.
Japanese macaques Development of multidimensional representations of task phases in the lateral prefrontal cortex.
Drosophila DGRC#101565 , DGRC#110692 , Oregon-R Drosophila type XV/XVIII collagen, Mp, is involved in Wingless distribution.
C.elegans tm1340 Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate signalling regulates the avoidance response to nose touch in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm1552 Intersubunit interactions between mutant DEG/ENaCs induce synthetic neurotoxicity.