RRC ID 53177
Author Kanayama M, Nakao K, Horie S, Aiba A.
Title Generation of transgenic mouse line with prostate-specific expression of codon-improved Cre recombinase.
Journal Prostate Int
Abstract Background:Genetically engineered mouse models are useful tools to decipher molecular mechanisms of diseases. As for prostates, a rat probasin promoter has been widely used to drive prostate-specific gene expression. To optimize its codon usage to that of mammals, we used codon-improved Cre recombinase (iCre) for prostate-specific Cre-loxP recombination.
Materials and methods:We generated transgenic mice that express iCre driven by conventional probasin promoter in a prostate-specific manner (PB-iCre). Linearized PB-iCre transgene deoxyribonucleic acids (DNAs) were microinjected into pronuclei of fertilized mouse embryos. The integration of the transgene was confirmed by Southern blot analysis. A line of transgenic mice expressing a sufficient amount of iCre mRNA in its prostate was selected. To test recombinase activity of PB-iCre in vivo, its offspring was crossbred with Ptenflox/flox mice in which murine prostate adenocarcinoma is reported to occur upon excision of loxP-flanked regions.
Results:Eight founder animals were obtained, all of which showed germ line integration of PB-iCre transgene by Southern blot analysis. Among them, the prostate from only one line (line 58) expressed a sufficient amount of iCre mRNA. This line was crossbred with Ptenflox/flox mice to generate PB-iCre58/Ptenflox/flox. As a result, 12-week-old PB-iCre58/Ptenflox/flox mice presented with prostate adenocarcinoma that was histologically similar to human cribriform prostate cancer of Gleason grade 4.
Conclusions:We have successfully established a transgenic mouse line that expresses iCre in a prostate-specific manner.
Volume 6(3)
Pages 99-103
Published 2018-9-1
DOI 10.1016/j.prnil.2018.04.003
PII S2287-8882(18)30016-3
PMID 30140659
PMC PMC6104291
IF 1.625
Times Cited 1
Mice RBRC02300