RRC ID 61700
Author Abe T, Nishimura H, Sato T, Suzuki H, Ogawa T, Suzuki T.
Title Time-course microarray transcriptome data of in vitro cultured testes and age-matched in vivo testes.
Journal Data Brief
Abstract In vitro spermatogenesis, which produces fertile spermatozoa, has been successfully performed using an organ culture method from murine tissue. Here, we provide a dataset of time-course microarray transcriptome data of in vitro cultured neonate murine testes and age-matched in vivo-derived testes. The dataset presented here is related to the article titled "Transcriptome analysis reveals inadequate spermatogenesis and immediate radical immune reactions during organ culture in vitro spermatogenesis" published in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications in 2020 [1]. The raw data and pre-processed data are publicly available on the GEO repository (accession number GSE147982). Furthermore, the dataset provided here includes additional metadata, detailed explanations of the experiment, results of pre-processing, analysis scripts, and lists of differentially expressed genes from in vitro culture testes and in vivo testes at each time point.
Volume 33
Pages 106482
Published 2020-12-1
DOI 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106482
PII S2352-3409(20)31364-0
PMID 33241095
PMC PMC7674299
Mice RBRC00445