Abstract |
The Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus is a long-distance migratory species whose westward expansion into Europe began in the early 21st century. Although historically rare in Croatia, an increase in observations since 2016 has led to its recognition as an irregular species, particularly during spring and autumn migration. Most recorded sightings are of adult males, and recent reports have documented the first wintering individuals in the country. This study compiles and reviews 98 unique records of Pallid Harrier observations in Croatia between 1872 and 2024, revealing a significant increase in sightings, particularly since 2016. Collected data supports the suggested loop migration in this species, with differing sex ratios observed across seasons. The wintering birds have been observed in agricultural fields in the continental region. Given the consistency of records in recent years, we propose that the Pallid Harrier be reclassified from an irregular to a regular passage species and irregular wintering bird in Croatia.