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Species Resource Title
Zebrafish UAS:GFP Arterial-venous network formation during brain vascularization involves hemodynamic regulation of chemokine signaling.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int Differential regional expression of genes in the developing brain of Ciona intestinalis embryos.
Zebrafish vglut2:dsRed Two knockdown models of the autism genes SYNGAP1 and SHANK3 in zebrafish produce similar behavioral phenotypes associated with embryonic disruptions of brain morphogenesis.
Zebrafish Tg (Huc:Kaede) Parentally inherited long non-coding RNA Cyrano is involved in zebrafish neurodevelopment.
Clawed frogs / Newts Developmental gene expression patterns in the brain and liver of Xenopus tropicalis during metamorphosis climax.
DNA material pCAGGS-FLAG Qki5 (RDB16798) , pCAGGS-FLAG Qki6 (RDB16799) , pCAGGS-FLAG Qki7 (RDB16800) An RNA-binding protein, Qki5, regulates embryonic neural stem cells through pre-mRNA processing in cell adhesion signaling.
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) Conserved and divergent functions of Pax6 underlie species-specific neurogenic patterns in the developing amniote brain.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int Differential temporal control of Foxa.a and Zic-r.b specifies brain versus notochord fate in the ascidian embryo.
Zebrafish Tg(isl1:GFP)/rw0 Dopamine from the brain promotes spinal motor neuron generation during development and adult regeneration.
Drosophila NP3233-Gal4 (DGRC#113173) and NP6520-Gal4 (DGRC#105240) Origin and development of neuropil glia of the Drosophila larval and adult brain: Two distinct glial populations derived from separate progenitors.
DNA material B6N BAC Mouse (RDB07573) B6Ng01-170F09 , B6Ng01-110O13. Neurogenin2-d4Venus and Gadd45g-d4Venus transgenic mice: visualizing mitotic and migratory behaviors of cells committed to the neuronal lineage in the developing mammalian brain.
Medaka d-rR/TOKYO (MT837) , BAC clone , d-rR-Tg(beta-actin-loxP-DsRed2-loxP-GFP) (TG861) , pPBIS19-mgfc::BFP-8xHSE::nlsCreCherry (TG957) Controlled Cre/loxP site-specific recombination in the developing brain in medaka fish, Oryzias latipes.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int A time delay gene circuit is required for palp formation in the ascidian embryo.
Zebrafish rw0130a(Tg (Huc:Kaede)) KDM7 is a dual demethylase for histone H3 Lys 9 and Lys 27 and functions in brain development.
Zebrafish rw0 (Tg(CM-isl1:GFP)) Cranial sensory ganglia neurons require intrinsic N-cadherin function for guidance of afferent fibers to their final targets.
Zebrafish rw0(Tg(CM-isl1:GFP)) Nestin is essential for zebrafish brain and eye development through control of progenitor cell apoptosis.
Zebrafish Meeting report Making sense of zebrafish neural development in the Minervois.
Medaka HO4C (IB180) Radiation-induced brain cell death can be observed in living medaka embryos.
Medaka d-rR Morphogenesis and regionalization of the medaka embryonic brain.
Medaka HO4C (IB180) Axonogenesis in the medaka embryonic brain.