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Species Resource Title
DNA material pJN-RLBP (RDB19832) Expression, purification and characterization of calcium-triggered luciferin-binding protein of Renilla reniformis.
DNA material human ATP8A1 (RDB18725) , human ATP8A2 (RDB18726) , human ATP8B1 (RDB18727) , human ATP8B2 (RDB18728) , human ATP8B3 (RDB18729) , human ATP8B4 (RDB18730) , human ATP9A (RDB18731) , human ATP9B (RDB18732) , human ATP10A (RDB18733) , human ATP10B (RDB18734) , ... Human Type IV P-type ATPases That Work as Plasma Membrane Phospholipid Flippases and Their Regulation by Caspase and Calcium.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Phosphatidylserine-stimulated production of N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamines by Ca2+-dependent N-acyltransferase.
Human and Animal Cells CHO-K1(RCB0285) Ca2+ -dependent down-regulation of human histamine H1 receptors in Chinese hamster ovary cells.
Algae NIES-2497 Ca2+-dependent nuclear contraction in the heliozoon Actinophrys sol.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Possibility of Mg- and Ca-based intermetallic compounds as new biodegradable implant materials.
Human and Animal Cells ST2(RCB0224) Synergism of α-linolenic acid, conjugated linoleic acid and calcium in decreasing adipocyte and increasing osteoblast cell growth.
Human and Animal Cells Jurkat Macrophage recognition of cells with elevated calcium is mediated by carbohydrate chains of CD43.
Human and Animal Cells C2C12(RCB0987) Calcium ions released from mineral trioxide aggregate convert the differentiation pathway of C2C12 cells into osteoblast lineage.
Human and Animal Cells Jurkat Tributylhexadecylphosphonium bromide, a novel nuclear factor of activated T cells signaling inhibitor, blocks interleukin-2 induction associated with inhibition of p70 ribosomal protein S6 kinase phosphorylation.
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) pH dependence and inhibition by extracellular calcium of proton currents via plasmalemmal vacuolar-type H+-ATPase in murine osteoclasts.
Human and Animal Cells A431(RCB0202) Possible regulation of epidermal growth factor-receptor tyrosine autophosphorylation by calcium and G proteins in chemically permeabilized rat UMR106 cells.
Human and Animal Cells ST2(RCB0224) Differential effect of high extracellular Ca2+ on K+ and Cl- conductances in murine osteoclasts.
Yeast NA Functionally redundant protein phosphatase genes PTP2 and MSG5 co-regulate the calcium signaling pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae upon exposure to high extracellular calcium concentration.
Prokaryotes E. coli ME6225 , JE6669 Oxidative phosphorylation in Escherichia coli K12. Mutations affecting magnesium ion- or calcium ion-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase.
Human and Animal Cells MG-63(RCB1890) , HuH-7(RCB1366) Specific interaction between Ca2+ and anionic lipids in cancer cells along with apoptosis.
Yeast SH7995-7999 (BY7995 , BY7996 , BY7997 , BY7998 , BY7999) , SH8528-8686 (BY8528 , BY8529 , BY8530 , BY8531 , BY8532 , ... Identification of protein kinase disruptions as suppressors of the calcium sensitivity of S. cerevisiae Deltaptp2 Deltamsg5 protein phosphatase double disruptant.
Rats SER/Kyo(strainID=28) Voltage-dependent calcium channel abnormalities in hippocampal CA3 neurons of spontaneously epileptic rats.
Human and Animal Cells ST2(RCB0224) Na+ dependence of extracellular Ca2+-sensing mechanisms leading to activation of an outwardly rectifying Cl- channel in murine osteoclasts.