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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Carcinoma, Renal Cell / genetics*)
Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells OS-RC-2(RCB0735) The significance of Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factor, son of sevenless protein, in renal cell carcinoma cell lines.
Human and Animal Cells OS-RC-2(RCB0735) Impact of cyclooxygenase-2 gene expression on tumor invasiveness in a human renal cell carcinoma cell line.
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) , OS-RC-2(RCB0735) ELOVL2 promotes cancer progression by inhibiting cell apoptosis in renal cell carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells OS-RC-2(RCB0735) , TUHR10TKB(RCB1275) , TUHR14TKB(RCB1383) Genome-wide gene expression profiles of clear cell renal cell carcinoma: identification of molecular targets for treatment of renal cell carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells TGBC14TKB(RCB1186) Relationship between expression of drug-resistance factors and drug sensitivity in normal human renal proximal tubular epithelial cells in comparison with renal cell carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells OS-RC-2(RCB0735) The Arkadia-ESRP2 axis suppresses tumor progression: analyses in clear-cell renal cell carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells T24(RCB2536) Expression Profile of S100A2 and its Clinicopathological Significance in Renal Cell Carcinoma.
DNA material , Human and Animal Cells CSII-EF-RfA (RDB04387) , pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393) , pCAG-HIVgp (RDB04394) , OS-RC-2(RCB0735) Epigenetic remodelling shapes inflammatory renal cancer and neutrophil-dependent metastasis.
Human and Animal Cells OS-RC-2(RCB0735) Cytogenetic abnormalities of tumor-associated endothelial cells in human malignant tumors.
Human and Animal Cells TUHR4TKB(RCB1198) , RCC10RGB(RCB1151) Analysis of renal cancer cell lines from two major resources enables genomics-guided cell line selection.
Human and Animal Cells OS-RC-2(RCB0735) c-Ski accelerates renal cancer progression by attenuating transforming growth factor β signaling.
Human and Animal Cells VMRC-RCW(RCB1963) Analysis of the characteristics of chemotherapy-resistant renal cell carcinomas based on global transcriptional analysis of their tissues and cell lines.
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) Phospholipase D2 promotes disease progression of renal cell carcinoma through the induction of angiogenin.
Human and Animal Cells OS-RC-2(RCB0735) Smad4 suppresses the progression of renal cell carcinoma via the activation of forkhead box protein H1.
Human and Animal Cells DDX31 regulates the p53-HDM2 pathway and rRNA gene transcription through its interaction with NPM1 in renal cell carcinomas.
Human and Animal Cells OS-RC-2(RCB0735) CXCR7: a novel tumor endothelial marker in renal cell carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells Aberrations of a cell adhesion molecule CADM4 in renal clear cell carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells VMRC-RCW(RCB1963) , OS-RC-2(RCB0735) , RCC10RGB(RCB1151) , TUHR4TKB(RCB1198) , TUHR4TKB(RCB1275) , TUHR14TKB(RCB1383) , MDA-MB-453(RCB1192) , OCUB-F(RCB0882) , D98-AH2(RCB2105) , ME-180(RCB2106) , ... Imprinted DLK1 is a putative tumor suppressor gene and inactivated by epimutation at the region upstream of GTL2 in human renal cell carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells TUHR4TKB(RCB1198) , TUHR14TKB(RCB1383) Epigenetic inactivation of the candidate tumor suppressor gene HOXB13 in human renal cell carcinoma.
Human and Animal Cells TUHR3TKB(RCB1187) , TUHR4TKB(RCB1198) , TUHR10TKB(RCB1275) , TUHR14TKB(RCB1383) , RCC10RGB(RCB1151) , OS-RC-2(RCB0735) Multipoint methylation and expression analysis of tumor suppressor genes in human renal cancer cells.