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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Cell Cycle Proteins / genetics*)
Species Resource Title
C.elegans tm1021 , tm4344 Screening by deep sequencing reveals mediators of microRNA tailing in C. elegans.
Yeast pNHK53, pMK152 Multiple signaling kinases target Mrc1 to prevent genomic instability triggered by transcription-replication conflicts.
Human and Animal Cells WI-38(RCB0704) DNA damage sensor protein hRad9, a novel molecular target for lung cancer treatment.
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) , KG-1(RCB1166) , K562 , F-36P(RCB0775) Recurrent mutations in multiple components of the cohesin complex in myeloid neoplasms.
Human and Animal Cells KGN(RCB1154) Inhibition of sestrin 1 alleviates polycystic ovary syndrome by decreasing autophagy.
Yeast FY21846 (mug14) Expression of Mug14 is regulated by the transcription factor Rst2 through the cAMP-dependent protein kinase pathway in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Human and Animal Cells PANC-1(RCB2095) The centriole protein CEP76 negatively regulates PLK1 activity in the cytoplasm for proper mitotic progression.
Human and Animal Cells HuH-7 ZNF143-Mediated H3K9 Trimethylation Upregulates CDC6 by Activating MDIG in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
C.elegans tm936 , tm1021 , tm4344 , tm5089 , tm1200 CDE-1 suppresses the production of risiRNA by coupling polyuridylation and degradation of rRNA.
C.elegans tm1814 , tm1857 , tm3655 , tm2543 Quantitative cytogenetics reveals molecular stoichiometry and longitudinal organization of meiotic chromosome axes and loops.
Yeast FY20933 , FY8155 Bioinformatical dissection of fission yeast DNA replication origins.
Human and Animal Cells Atg5^(+/+)MEF(RCB2710) , Atg5^(-/-)MEF(RCB2711) Fbxo2 mediates clearance of damaged lysosomes and modifies neurodegeneration in the Niemann-Pick C brain.
Human and Animal Cells SAS(RCB1974) BRD4 promotes metastatic potential in oral squamous cell carcinoma through the epigenetic regulation of the MMP2 gene.
Human and Animal Cells , DNA material NB1RGB(RCB0222) , Human MCM10 cDNA (RDB06320) The human homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mcm10 interacts with replication factors and dissociates from nuclease-resistant nuclear structures in G(2) phase.
Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum wakasaense , Chrysanthemum japonense Simultaneous TALEN-mediated knockout of chrysanthemum DMC1 genes confers male and female sterility.
Human and Animal Cells NIH3T3-3-4(RCB1862) G-quadruplex-forming GGA repeat region functions as a negative regulator of the Ccnb1ip1 enhancer.
Zebrafish Tg(isl-GFP) rw0 Involvement of the centrosomal protein 55 (cep55) gene in zebrafish head formation.
Human and Animal Cells COLO205(RCB2127) , HCT116(RCB2979) Oncogenic splicing abnormalities induced by DEAD-Box Helicase 56 amplification in colorectal cancer.
C.elegans tm8972 PCMD-1 Organizes Centrosome Matrix Assembly in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm7139 , tm1857 A Novel Role for α-Importins and Akirin in Establishment of Meiotic Sister Chromatid Cohesion in Caenorhabditis elegans.