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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Chromosomes, Artificial, Bacterial*)
Species Resource Title
Prokaryotes B. subtilis MBS840 , MBS841 , MBS842 , MBS843 , MBS844 , MBS845 , MBS846 , MBS847 , MBS848 , MBS849 , ... Serial assembly of Thermus megaplasmid DNA in the genome of Bacillus subtilis 168: a BAC-based domino method applied to DNA with a high GC content.
DNA material Drosophila BAC Clone , DME (D. melanogaster) (RDB08484) , DSM (D. simulans) (RDB08485) , DSE (D. sechellia) (RDB08486) , DNB (D. ananassae) (RDB08487) , DAB (D. auraria) (RDB08488). BAC library construction and BAC end sequencing of five Drosophila species: the comparative map with the D. melanogaster genome.
DNA material Chinese hamster genomic BAC library clone (RDB13444) Bacterial artificial chromosome library for genome-wide analysis of Chinese hamster ovary cells.
Drosophila BAC library construction and BAC end sequencing of five Drosophila species: the comparative map with the D. melanogaster genome.
Silkworms Conserved synteny of genes between chromosome 15 of Bombyx mori and a chromosome of Manduca sexta shown by five-color BAC-FISH.
Human and Animal Cells CHO-K1(RCB0285) Fluorescence in situ hybridization using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones for the analysis of chromosome rearrangement in Chinese hamster ovary cells.
Silkworms p50 Extensive conserved synteny of genes between the karyotypes of Manduca sexta and Bombyx mori revealed by BAC-FISH mapping.
Zebrafish Tol2 method Transposon-mediated BAC transgenesis in zebrafish and mice.
Medaka BAC clones (golwb014_G01) Generation of transgenic medaka using modified bacterial artificial chromosome.
Rice W0106 , W0008 The Oryza bacterial artificial chromosome library resource: construction and analysis of 12 deep-coverage large-insert BAC libraries that represent the 10 genome types of the genus Oryza.
Silkworms p50 The Bombyx mori karyotype and the assignment of linkage groups.
Medaka HdrR-II1(IB178) A first generation physical map of the medaka genome in BACs essential for positional cloning and clone-by-clone based genomic sequencing.