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Species Resource Title
C.elegans tm925 , tm3100 CiliaCarta: An integrated and validated compendium of ciliary genes.
C.elegans An siRNA-based functional genomics screen for the identification of regulators of ciliogenesis and ciliopathy genes.
C.elegans tm925 , tm2547 , tm3100 , tm2452 Whole-Organism Developmental Expression Profiling Identifies RAB-28 as a Novel Ciliary GTPase Associated with the BBSome and Intraflagellar Transport.
C.elegans tm3067 , tm324 , tm925 Primary Cilium Formation and Ciliary Protein Trafficking Is Regulated by the Atypical MAP Kinase MAPK15 in Caenorhabditis elegans and Human Cells.
DNA material Genome Network Project Human cDNA Clone IRAL009C12 (HGY083660) , IRAK069L05 (HGX027869) , IRAK069G14 (HGX027758) , pCAG2-EGFP-C1-IFT122 (RDB15190) , pCAG2-mCherry-C1-IFT122 (RDB15191) , pCAG2-EGFP-C1-IFT140 (RDB15192) , pCAG2-mCherry-C1-IFT140 (RDB15193) , pEGFP-C1-TULP3 (RDB15194) , pmCherry-C1-TULP3 (RDB15195). Intraflagellar transport-A complex mediates ciliary entry and retrograde trafficking of ciliary G protein-coupled receptors.
C.elegans tm2322 , tm2526 , tm324 Endocytosis genes facilitate protein and membrane transport in C. elegans sensory cilia.
C.elegans tm2452 , tm3100 , tm2547 , tm925 TMEM237 is mutated in individuals with a Joubert syndrome related disorder and expands the role of the TMEM family at the ciliary transition zone.
C.elegans tm5255 , tm5517 , tm5460 , tm2526 Transmembrane protein OSTA-1 shapes sensory cilia morphology via regulation of intracellular membrane trafficking in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm2322 , tm324 , tm3100 , tm2452 , tm925 Active transport and diffusion barriers restrict Joubert Syndrome-associated ARL13B/ARL-13 to an Inv-like ciliary membrane subdomain.
C.elegans tm925 , tm2705 , tm2452 , tm2547 Conserved Genetic Interactions between Ciliopathy Complexes Cooperatively Support Ciliogenesis and Ciliary Signaling.
DNA material pCAG-HIVgp (RDB04394) , pCMV-VSV-G-RSV-Rev (RDB04393). ERK7 regulates ciliogenesis by phosphorylating the actin regulator CapZIP in cooperation with Dishevelled.
C.elegans tm1724 , tm1725 IFTA-2 is a conserved cilia protein involved in pathways regulating longevity and dauer formation in Caenorhabditis elegans.