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Species Resource Title
Mice RBRC02344 Differential Expression of NF2 in Neuroepithelial Compartments Is Necessary for Mammalian Eye Development.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Cytoskeletal Protein 4.1G Is Essential for the Primary Ciliogenesis and Osteoblast Differentiation in Bone Formation.
Paramecium P. calkinsi (PK000001A) , P. multimicronucleatum (PM020002A) Three-dimensional tracking of the ciliate Tetrahymena reveals the mechanism of ciliary stroke-driven helical swimming.
Zebrafish Tg(CM-isl1:GFP)rw0 A CEP104-CSPP1 Complex Is Required for Formation of Primary Cilia Competent in Hedgehog Signaling.
Paramecium d4-2 (PA040015A) Roles of Adenylate Cyclases in Ciliary Responses of Paramecium to Mechanical Stimulation.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int Wavy movements of epidermis monocilia drive the neurula rotation that determines left-right asymmetry in ascidian embryos.
C.elegans tm5624 , tm3100 , tm4182 , tm925 , tm5963 MKS5 and CEP290 Dependent Assembly Pathway of the Ciliary Transition Zone.
DNA material pCAG2-EGFP-C-KAP3 (RDB20237) , pCAG2-EGFP-C-KIF3A (RDB20238) , Genome Network Project Human cDNA IRAK106P17 (HGY042777) , IRAK034F02 (HGY013722). Interaction of heterotrimeric kinesin-II with IFT-B-connecting tetramer is crucial for ciliogenesis.
Human and Animal Cells DT40(RCB1464) Regulation of axon arborization pattern in the developing chick ciliary ganglion: Possible involvement of caspase 3.
C.elegans tm1320 , tm2121 , tm2124 , tm2159 , tm2991 , tm2999 , tm544 , tm659 , tm847 Antagonistic regulation of trafficking to Caenorhabditis elegans sensory cilia by a Retinal Degeneration 3 homolog and retromer.
Zebrafish hspGGFF19B;UAS:GFP Motile-Cilia-Mediated Flow Improves Sensitivity and Temporal Resolution of Olfactory Computations.
C.elegans tm2322 , tm1703 The small GTPases ARL-13 and ARL-3 coordinate intraflagellar transport and ciliogenesis.
C.elegans tm2322 , tm2526 , tm324 Endocytosis genes facilitate protein and membrane transport in C. elegans sensory cilia.
C.elegans tm2526 , tm1703 , tm2322 , tm3100 , tm2705 , tm2452 , tm925 , tm1746 , tm1946 Diverse cell type-specific mechanisms localize G protein-coupled receptors to Caenorhabditis elegans sensory cilia.
Drosophila 15161R-1 , 6129R-1 Components of Intraflagellar Transport Complex A Function Independently of the Cilium to Regulate Canonical Wnt Signaling in Drosophila.
Zebrafish Tg(isl1:GFP)/rw0 , SAGFF(LF)187A , UAS:GFP The PCP protein Vangl2 regulates migration of hindbrain motor neurons by acting in floor plate cells, and independently of cilia function.
Mice RBRC00806 Histone deacetylase 6-mediated selective autophagy regulates COPD-associated cilia dysfunction.
C.elegans tm925 , tm3100 , mks-1/xbx-7 , tza-1/mksr-2 , tza-2/mksr-1 , mks-3 , mks-5 , mks-6 , nphp-1 , nphp-4 MKS and NPHP modules cooperate to establish basal body/transition zone membrane associations and ciliary gate function during ciliogenesis.
C.elegans tm3067 The hydrolethalus syndrome protein HYLS-1 links core centriole structure to cilia formation.
C.elegans tm2085 Sensory ciliogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans: assignment of IFT components into distinct modules based on transport and phenotypic profiles.