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Species Resource Title
C.elegans tm10640 Caenorhabditis elegans PTR/PTCHD PTR-18 promotes the clearance of extracellular hedgehog-related protein via endocytosis.
Human and Animal Cells 293T(RCB2202) , CHO-K1 A regulatory role of scavenger receptor class B type 1 in endocytosis and lipid droplet formation induced by liposomes containing phosphatidylethanolamine in HEK293T cells.
Drosophila 2023R-1 Sec20 is Required for Autophagic and Endocytic Degradation Independent of Golgi-ER Retrograde Transport.
C.elegans tm2322 , tm2526 , tm324 Endocytosis genes facilitate protein and membrane transport in C. elegans sensory cilia.
C.elegans tm3489 Interactions between endosomal maturation and autophagy: analysis of ESCRT machinery during Caenorhabditis elegans development.
C.elegans tm2912 The membrane-associated proteins FCHo and SGIP are allosteric activators of the AP2 clathrin adaptor complex.
Drosophila The role of Bro1- domain-containing protein Myopic in endosomal trafficking of Wnt/Wingless.
Drosophila DGRC#106754 Local endocytosis triggers dendritic thinning and pruning in Drosophila sensory neurons.
Drosophila 10341R-1 , 10341R-4 , 2747R-2 , 2747R-3 , 9491R-2 , 9491R-3 , 6975R-2 , 6975R-8 , 6620R-3 , 6620R-2 , ... Genetic identification of intracellular trafficking regulators involved in Notch-dependent binary cell fate acquisition following asymmetric cell division.
Yeast plasmids? Characterization of end4+, a gene required for endocytosis in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Yeast FY13227(TN344) , FY12296 , FY12710(YN68)? TN8? Endocytosis is essential for dynamic translocation of a syntaxin 1 orthologue during fission yeast meiosis.