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Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP)nns1 Developmental delay during eye morphogenesis underlies optic cup and neurogenesis defects in mab21l2u517 zebrafish mutants.
Medaka olvas-DsRedExpress (TG1403) , FLFII (MT109) Nanosecond pulsed electric field suppresses development of eyes and germ cells through blocking synthesis of retinoic acid in Medaka (Oryzias latipes).
Drosophila pBFvU6.2 , pBFvU6.2B A genome engineering resource to uncover principles of cellular organization and tissue architecture by lipid signaling.
Drosophila DGRC#111645 Developmentally regulated autophagy is required for eye formation in Drosophila.
Drosophila Different modes of APC/C activation control growth and neuron-glia interaction in the developing Drosophila eye.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:Gal4) Concerted action of neuroepithelial basal shrinkage and active epithelial migration ensures efficient optic cup morphogenesis.
Drosophila Drosophila MAGI interacts with RASSF8 to regulate E-Cadherin-based adherens junctions in the developing eye.
Drosophila 17183R-4 , 7952R-1 , 15610R-3 , 3242R-2 , 10689R-2 , 9653R-2 , 18780R-1 , 32443R-1 , 3886R-4 , 4082R-2 , ... A transcriptional network controlling glial development in the Drosophila visual system.
Drosophila EDL/MAE regulates EGF-mediated induction by antagonizing Ets transcription factor Pointed.
Drosophila Ectopic expression of seven-up causes cell fate changes during ommatidial assembly.
Drosophila Segregation of eye and antenna fates maintained by mutual antagonism in Drosophila.
DNA material nBLUEneo (RDB07039). Essential pro-Bmp roles of crossveinless 2 in mouse organogenesis.
Medaka Ojoplano (MT934) , Cab , Kaga ojoplano-mediated basal constriction is essential for optic cup morphogenesis.
Drosophila Antagonistic feedback loops involving Rau and Sprouty in the Drosophila eye control neuronal and glial differentiation.
Drosophila dNF-YB plays dual roles in cell death and cell differentiation during Drosophila eye development.
Drosophila 5516R-1 , 7486R-2 Conserved metabolic energy production pathways govern Eiger/TNF-induced nonapoptotic cell death.
Drosophila Stock(s) of DGRC Kyoto Concentric zones, cell migration and neuronal circuits in the Drosophila visual center.
Drosophila Complex interference in the eye developmental pathway by Drosophila NF-YA.
Drosophila NP line Frizzled/PCP-dependent asymmetric neuralized expression determines R3/R4 fates in the Drosophila eye.
Zebrafish rw0(Tg(CM-isl1:GFP)) Nestin is essential for zebrafish brain and eye development through control of progenitor cell apoptosis.