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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells KGN(RCB1154) Disease-causing 7.4 kb cis-regulatory deletion disrupting conserved non-coding sequences and their interaction with the FOXL2 promotor: implications for mutation screening.
Human and Animal Cells KGN(RCB1154) Comparative study of microRNA regulation on FOXL2 between adult-type and juvenile-type granulosa cell tumours in vitro.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int Cis-regulatory code for determining the action of Foxd as both an activator and a repressor in ascidian embryos.
Human and Animal Cells HuH-7 Downregulation of FOXP1 Inhibits Cell Proliferation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Inducing G1/S Phase Cell Cycle Arrest.
C.elegans tm2993 , tm1445 DAF-16/FOXO requires Protein Phosphatase 4 to initiate transcription of stress resistance and longevity promoting genes.
C.elegans tm5030 , tm5031 , tm6659 , tm718 DAF-16/FOXO promotes taste avoidance learning independently of axonal insulin-like signaling.
C.elegans tm2482 Endoplasmic Reticulum Homeostasis Is Modulated by the Forkhead Transcription Factor FKH-9 During Infection of Caenorhabditis elegans.
Human and Animal Cells PC-9(RCB4455) FOXC1 induces cancer stem cell-like properties through upregulation of beta-catenin in NSCLC.
C.elegans tm6724 Activation of DAF-16/FOXO by reactive oxygen species contributes to longevity in long-lived mitochondrial mutants in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm2308 dbl-1/TGF-β and daf-12/NHR Signaling Mediate Cell-Nonautonomous Effects of daf-16/FOXO on Starvation-Induced Developmental Arrest.
C.elegans tm1811 A conserved neuronal DAF-16/FoxO plays an important role in conveying pheromone signals to elicit repulsion behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans.
DNA material MSM Mouse BAC clone MSMg01-521B08 (RDB04214) Pde6brd1 mutation modifies cataractogenesis in Foxe3rct mice.
C.intestinalis / (O.japonicus) Wild C. int Differential temporal control of Foxa.a and Zic-r.b specifies brain versus notochord fate in the ascidian embryo.
C.elegans tm5030 , tm5032 , tm6659 Longevity Genes Revealed by Integrative Analysis of Isoform-Specific daf-16/FoxO Mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans.
Human and Animal Cells OS-RC-2(RCB0735) Smad4 suppresses the progression of renal cell carcinoma via the activation of forkhead box protein H1.
Human and Animal Cells TtT/GF(RCB1279) The CpG island in the murine foxl2 proximal promoter is differentially methylated in primary and immortalized cells.
Human and Animal Cells KGN(RCB1154) Overexpression of wild-type but not C134W mutant FOXL2 enhances GnRH-induced cell apoptosis by increasing GnRH receptor expression in human granulosa cell tumors.
Human and Animal Cells KGN(RCB1154) The transcriptional targets of mutant FOXL2 in granulosa cell tumours.
Human and Animal Cells COS-7(RCB0539) , 293(RCB1637) The transcription factor Foxc1 is necessary for Ihh-Gli2-regulated endochondral ossification.
C.elegans tm3223 Ethosuximide ameliorates neurodegenerative disease phenotypes by modulating DAF-16/FOXO target gene expression.