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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells RAW 264(RCB0535) Results of a nationwide screening for Anderson-Fabry disease among dialysis patients.
Drosophila DGRC#111436 , DGRC#111501 , DGRC#111069 , DGRC#114414 Characterization of a new mastermind allele identified from somatic mosaic screen.
Drosophila 1063R-2 Predicting novel candidate human obesity genes and their site of action by systematic functional screening in Drosophila.
Drosophila Genetic screening of the genes interacting with Drosophila FIG4 identified a novel link between CMT-causing gene and long noncoding RNAs.
C.elegans tm925 , tm2705 , tm3100 , tm2452 A Screen for Modifiers of Cilia Phenotypes Reveals Novel MKS Alleles and Uncovers a Specific Genetic Interaction between osm-3 and nphp-4.
C.elegans tm4006 , tm4134 , tm3841 , tm4852 , tm1946 , tm2943 A Forward Genetic Screen for Molecules Involved in Pheromone-Induced Dauer Formation in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Drosophila A drosophila genetic resource of mutants to study mechanisms underlying human genetic diseases.
Drosophila 10522R-1 , 10532R-1 , 11438R-3 , 1388R-1 , 1495R-1 , 16973R-1 , 17299R-1 , 17520R-2 , 18255R-1 , 2055R-1 , ... A Kinome RNAi Screen in Drosophila Identifies Novel Genes Interacting with Lgl, aPKC, and Crb Cell Polarity Genes in Epithelial Tissues.
Drosophila A Drosophila Genome-Wide Screen Identifies Regulators of Steroid Hormone Production and Developmental Timing.
Drosophila A Fluorescence-Based Genetic Screen to Study Retinal Degeneration in Drosophila.
Prokaryotes E. coli ME9062(BW25113) , Keio collection , ASKA collection Genomic library screens for genes involved in n-butanol tolerance in Escherichia coli.
Drosophila 1378R-1 , 1378R-2 , 1388R-1 , 1388R-2 , 2054R-1 , 2054R-4 , 2114R-1 , 2114R-2 , 2190R-2 , 4353R-2 , ... A targeted UAS-RNAi screen in Drosophila larvae identifies wound closure genes regulating distinct cellular processes.
Drosophila A suppressor/enhancer screen in Drosophila reveals a role for wnt-mediated lipid metabolism in primordial germ cell migration.
INFORMATION , Drosophila http://www.dgrc.kit.ac.jp/en/index.html Drosophila, genetic screens, and cardiac function.
Drosophila 3696R-1 , 3696R-1 A constant light-genetic screen identifies KISMET as a regulator of circadian photoresponses.
Lotus / Glycine Miyakojima MG-20 Genetic screening identifies cyanogenesis-deficient mutants of Lotus japonicus and reveals enzymatic specificity in hydroxynitrile glucoside metabolism.
Drosophila Genetic screen identifies serpin5 as a regulator of the toll pathway and CHMP2B toxicity associated with frontotemporal dementia.