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Species Resource Title
Drosophila Identification and Functional Characterization of Argonaute (Ago) Proteins in Insect Genomes.
Drosophila NGN6 for D. subpulchrella Behavioral and Genomic Sensory Adaptations Underlying the Pest Activity of Drosophila suzukii.
Silkworms Samia ricini , Samia cynthia pryeri The genome sequence of Samia ricini, a new model species of lepidopteran insect.
Silkworms w1-pnd Characterisation of a diazinon-metabolising glutathione S-transferase in the silkworm Bombyx mori by X-ray crystallography and genome editing analysis.
DNA material Drosophila BAC Clone , DME (D. melanogaster) (RDB08484) , DSM (D. simulans) (RDB08485) , DSE (D. sechellia) (RDB08486) , DNB (D. ananassae) (RDB08487) , DAB (D. auraria) (RDB08488). BAC library construction and BAC end sequencing of five Drosophila species: the comparative map with the D. melanogaster genome.
Drosophila D. ananassae white mutant Transgenic tools for members of the genus Drosophila with sequenced genomes.
Drosophila Genome-wide identification of Grainy head targets in Drosophila reveals regulatory interactions with the POU domain transcription factor Vvl.
Drosophila A Drosophila Genome-Wide Screen Identifies Regulators of Steroid Hormone Production and Developmental Timing.
Drosophila 30161R-1 , 30161R-3 , 13942R-2 , 6230R-1 , 6444R-3 , 7055R-1 , 7055R-3 Whole-animal genome-wide RNAi screen identifies networks regulating male germline stem cells in Drosophila.
Silkworms p50 A FISH-based chromosome map for the European corn borer yields insights into ancient chromosomal fusions in the silkworm.
Silkworms Construction, complete sequence, and annotation of a BAC contig covering the silkworm chorion locus.
Drosophila [A Simple and Efficient Method of Inducing Targeted Deletions in the Drosophila Genome].
Drosophila DGRC#110740 DGRC#109136 Dynamics of Dark-Fly Genome Under Environmental Selections.
Drosophila y[*] P{GawB}boi[NP4065] w[*]/FM7c (DGRC#104588) , w[*] P{GawB}NP4124/FM7c (DGRC#113397) , P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}sgg[NP0082] w[*]/FM7c (DGRC#112033) , y[*] P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}sgg[NP2253] w[*]/FM7c (DGRC#104140) , y[*] P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}sgg[NP4101] w[*]/FM7c (DGRC#104603) , y[*] P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}sgg[NP7167] w[*]/FM7c (DGRC#114115) , P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}sgg[NP7270] w[*]/FM7c (DGRC#114191) , y[*] w[*] , P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}sli[NP1625]/CyO , P{w[?]=UAS-lacZ.UW14}UW14 (DGRC#104056) , ... Novel tools for genetic manipulation of follicle stem cells in the Drosophila ovary reveal an integrin-dependent transition from quiescence to proliferation.
Silkworms Efficient TALEN construction for Bombyx mori gene targeting.
Drosophila E-18912 Genome-wide patterns of natural variation reveal strong selective sweeps and ongoing genomic conflict in Drosophila mauritiana.
Drosophila Genetic circuitry modulating notch signals through endosomal trafficking.
Drosophila Targeted genome engineering techniques in Drosophila.
Drosophila 13422R-3 Genome-wide transcriptional analysis of Drosophila larvae infected by entomopathogenic nematodes shows involvement of complement, recognition and extracellular matrix proteins.
Drosophila BAC library construction and BAC end sequencing of five Drosophila species: the comparative map with the D. melanogaster genome.