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Species Resource Title
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pst15307 Turning meiosis into mitosis.
C.elegans tm3655 , tm1791 The dynamic recruitment of LAB proteins senses meiotic chromosome axis differentiation in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm853 ATM signaling modulates cohesin behavior in meiotic prophase and proliferating cells.
C.elegans tm3298 Robust designation of meiotic crossover sites by CDK-2 through phosphorylation of the MutSγ complex.
C.elegans tm3655 , tm3298 , tm853 Phosphorylation of HORMA-domain protein HTP-3 at Serine 285 is dispensable for crossover formation.
C.elegans tm574 , tm2303 , tm1791 SYP-5 regulates meiotic thermotolerance in Caenorhabditis elegans.
C.elegans tm1524 Recruitment of MRE-11 to complex DNA damage is modulated by meiosis-specific chromosome organization.
C.elegans tm2190 Mad1's ability to interact with Mad2 is essential to regulate and monitor meiotic synapsis in C. elegans.
C.elegans tm1298 , tm1145 , tm1937 , tm1524 , tm2842 DNA topoisomerase 3 is required for efficient germ cell quality control.
Yeast Kinesin-6 Klp9 orchestrates spindle elongation by regulating microtubule sliding and growth.
Mice RBRC00886 Temperature sensitivity of DNA double-strand break repair underpins heat-induced meiotic failure in mouse spermatogenesis.
Yeast FY20781, FY13783 Chiasmata and the kinetochore component Dam1 are crucial for elimination of erroneous chromosome attachments and centromere oscillation at meiosis I.
DNA material MEIOSIN-N (RDB) , MEIOSIN-C (RDB18713) , STRA8-His (RDB18714) , STRA8-3xFLAG-HA-P2A-GFP (RDB18715) MEIOSIN Directs the Switch from Mitosis to Meiosis in Mammalian Germ Cells.
Clawed frogs / Newts Regulation of Myt1 kinase activity via its N-terminal region in Xenopus meiosis and mitosis.
DNA material pClgn1.1_Kctd19-3xHA (RDB19248) , pClgn1.1_3xFLAG-Kctd19 (RDB19249) KCTD19 and its associated protein ZFP541 are independently essential for meiosis in male mice.
DNA material Xenopus laevis EST clone XL094f17 Regulation of Myt1 kinase activity via its N-terminal region in Xenopus meiosis and mitosis.
C.elegans tm4960 , tm3298 , tm1395 , tm1791 Spatial and temporal control of targeting Polo-like kinase during meiotic prophase.
C.elegans tmC18 Microtubule assembly and pole coalescence: early steps in Caenorhabditiselegans oocyte meiosis I spindle assembly.
C.elegans tm1814 , tm1857 , tm3655 , tm2543 Quantitative cytogenetics reveals molecular stoichiometry and longitudinal organization of meiotic chromosome axes and loops.
Yeast The S. pombe CDK5 Orthologue Pef1 Cooperates with Three Cyclins, Clg1, Pas1 and Psl1, to Promote Pre-Meiotic DNA Replication.