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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Schizosaccharomyces pombe Proteins / physiology*)
Species Resource Title
Yeast FY6829 , FY6876 , FY7183 , FY12677 , FY13371 , FY25441 , FY25442 , FY16937 The sixth transmembrane region of a pheromone G-protein coupled receptor, Map3, is implicated in discrimination of closely related pheromones in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Yeast FY10704 , FY7876 Magnesium depletion extends fission yeast lifespan via general amino acid control activation.
Yeast FY21204 Casein kinase 2 regulates telomere protein complex formation through Rap1 phosphorylation.
Yeast FY24018(JY333) , FY10704 , FY7876 , FY24017(JY1) , FY7512(JY741) Leucine depletion extends the lifespans of leucine-auxotrophic fission yeast by inducing Ecl1 family genes via the transcription factor Fil1.
Yeast sad1.1 Nuclear membrane protein Lem2 regulates nuclear size through membrane flow.
Yeast FY8347 , FY17673 , FY18583 Asp1 Bifunctional Activity Modulates Spindle Function via Controlling Cellular Inositol Pyrophosphate Levels in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Yeast FYP1557 , FYP1558 The ancient claudin Dni2 facilitates yeast cell fusion by compartmentalizing Dni1 into a membrane subdomain.
Yeast FY18379 Establishment of expression-state boundaries by Rif1 and Taz1 in fission yeast.
DNA material pDUAL2-HFF1c (RDB06154) , S. pombe ORFeome Entry clone SpENT30G03 (SPW012147) , SpENT23C11 (SPW009259) , SpENT40E03 (SPW016099). Establishment of expression-state boundaries by Rif1 and Taz1 in fission yeast.
Yeast FY7507 , FY6839 DNA base excision repair and nucleotide excision repair synergistically contribute to survival of stationary-phase cells of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Yeast yFS275 WD40 domain divergence is important for functional differences between the fission yeast Tup11 and Tup12 co-repressor proteins.
Yeast FY25071 , FY25041 , FY25043 , FY25045 , FY25036 , FY25047 , FY25048 , FY25049 , FY24010 , FY24020 , ... Mad1 promotes chromosome congression by anchoring a kinesin motor to the kinetochore.
Yeast Fission yeast Scp3 potentially maintains microtubule orientation through bundling.
Yeast FY18530 Rad51/Dmc1 paralogs and mediators oppose DNA helicases to limit hybrid DNA formation and promote crossovers during meiotic recombination.
Yeast TN8 , TN29 The small GTPase Rab5 homologue Ypt5 regulates cell morphology, sexual development, ion-stress response and vacuolar formation in fission yeast.
Yeast FY13690(JV393) , FY24020(JY450) , FY13307(JZ462) , FY13309(JZ464) , FY7716(JZ670) A novel factor Iss10 regulates Mmi1-mediated selective elimination of meiotic transcripts.
Yeast Cuf2 boosts the transcription of APC/C activator Fzr1 to terminate the meiotic division cycle.
Yeast FY12806 , FY13308 , FY15567 Red5 and three nuclear pore components are essential for efficient suppression of specific mRNAs during vegetative growth of fission yeast.
Yeast FY17330(YF16) , FYP466(pTN197) Mitochondrial ABC transporter Atm1p is required for protection against oxidative stress and vacuolar functions in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Yeast FY16057 The fission yeast RNA binding protein Mmi1 regulates meiotic genes by controlling intron specific splicing and polyadenylation coupled RNA turnover.