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Species Resource Title
Wheat Efficient anchoring of alien chromosome segments introgressed into bread wheat by new Leymus racemosus genome-based markers.
Wheat KU-9873 Triticum aestivum L. subsp. compactum (Host) Mackey Genetic Analysis of Hexaploid Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Using the Complete Sequencing of Chloroplast DNA and Haplotype Analysis of the Wknox1 Gene.
Barley Barley seed samples for RNA-Seq analysis RNA-Seq-based DNA marker analysis of the genetics and molecular evolution of Triticeae species.
Wheat cv. Fielder Chromosome-scale genome assembly of the transformation-amenable common wheat cultivar 'Fielder'.
Wheat KT020-061 The genetic basis of cytoplasmic male sterility and fertility restoration in wheat.
Wheat Chinese Spring and its aneuploid stocks The transcriptional landscape of polyploid wheat.
Human and Animal Cells Jurkat(RCB3052) Reconstitution of Drosophila and human chromatins by wheat germ cell-free co-expression system.
Wheat 種子、パンコムギ、Strain ID: KT020-061 A transgenic approach to controlling wheat seed dormancy level by using Triticeae DOG1-like genes.
Wheat KT729 - KT749 , KT708 - KT728 Genotypic effects on sugar and by-products of liquid hydrolysates and on saccharification of acid-insoluble residues from wheat straw.
Wheat tplb0015e09 , tplb0013b07 Development of a complete set of wheat-barley group-7 Robertsonian translocation chromosomes conferring an increased content of β-glucan.
Wheat tplb0013b07 , tplb0007o14 , tplb0015e09 Chromosome Rearrangements Caused by Double Monosomy in Wheat-Barley Group-7 Substitution Lines.
Wheat AK333586 , AK332649 , AK335632 , AK333892 , tplb0048d21 , tplb0006e16 , tplb0013a02 , tplb0029f23 , tplb0009d14 , AK331548 , ... Major structural genomic alterations can be associated with hybrid speciation in Aegilops markgrafii (Triticeae).
Wheat KU-122 , KU-491 , KU-494 , KU-495 , KU-496 , KU-3723 , KU-113 , KU-120 , KU-462 , KU-10503 The early flowering trait of an emmer wheat accession (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. dicoccum) is associated with the cis-element of the Vrn-A3 locus.
Wheat Durum wheat genome highlights past domestication signatures and future improvement targets.
Wheat KT020-061 Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) transformation using immature embryos.
Wheat LPGKU0061(N4AT4B) , LPGKU0062(N4AT4D) The in silico identification and characterization of a bread wheat/Triticum militinae introgression line.
Wheat LPGKU0061 , LPGKU0062 Divergence between bread wheat and Triticum militinae in the powdery mildew resistance QPm.tut-4A locus and its implications for cloning of the resistance gene.
Wheat KU-8939 , KU-S-4309 , KU-6-1 , KU-6-2 , KU-20-10 , KU-7856 , KU-5786 , KU-4-1 , KU-5-2 , KU-14655 Unleashing floret fertility in wheat through the mutation of a homeobox gene.
Wheat KU-2932 , KU-12701 , KU-12180 , KU-12186 , KU-12189 , KU-12190 , KU-12198 , KU-4109 , KU-4001 , KU-4006 Hybrid incompatibilities in interspecific crosses between tetraploid wheat and its wild diploid relative Aegilops umbellulata.
Wheat KU-4017 , KU-4026 , KU-4035 , KU-4043 , KU-4052 , KU-4103 , KU-5934 , KU-5954 , KU-8-7 , KU-12180 RNA-seq analysis reveals considerable genetic diversity and provides genetic markers saturating all chromosomes in the diploid wild wheat relative Aegilops umbellulata.