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Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells LY-A(RCB1869) , LY-A/hCERT(RCB1870) Chlamydia trachomatis co-opts GBF1 and CERT to acquire host sphingomyelin for distinct roles during intracellular development.
DNA material pMXsIP-GFP-VPS33A (RDB19783) , pMRXIP-VPS16-GFP (RDB19787) The HOPS complex mediates autophagosome-lysosome fusion through interaction with syntaxin 17.
DNA material pEGFP-C1-hATG101 (RDB19626) , p3xFLAG-CMV10-hAtg101 (RDB19773) , pCI-neo-HA-hAtg13 (RDB19802) Atg101, a novel mammalian autophagy protein interacting with Atg13.
DNA material pCMV-VSV-G (RDB04392) Requirement of Xk and Vps13a for the P2X7-mediated phospholipid scrambling and cell lysis in mouse T cells.
DNA material pcDNA5-FRT-TO-EGFP-Mo DP1 (RDB19223) , pcDNA5-FRT-TO-EGFP-Mo Climp63 (RDB19222) Proteomics-Based Approach Identifies Altered ER Domain Properties by ALS-Linked VAPB Mutation.
DNA material pMRX-puro-FLAG-hVPS52 (RDB18998) , pMRX-puro-FLAG-hVPS52_N670 (RDB18999) , pMRX-puro-FLAG-hVPS52_N556 (RDB19000) , pMRX-puro-FLAG-hVPS52_N410 (RDB19001) , pMRX-bsr-ss-sfGFP (RDB19002) Knockout analysis of Rab6 effector proteins revealed the role of VPS52 in the secretory pathway.
Human and Animal Cells Jyg-MC(A)(RCB0526) TMED10 Protein Interferes with Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)-β Signaling by Disrupting TGF-β Receptor Complex Formation.
Mice RBRC02192 P38α-MAPK phosphorylates Snapin and reduces Snapin-mediated BACE1 transportation in APP-transgenic mice.
DNA material Genome Network Project Human cDNA Clone , IRAL009L17 (HGY083881) , IRAL008O12 (HGY083548) The Novel ALG-2 Target Protein CDIP1 Promotes Cell Death by Interacting with ESCRT-I and VAPA/B.
DNA material pcDNA3.1_Lamp1_HA_GFP11 (RDB18655) Protrudin and PDZD8 contribute to neuronal integrity by promoting lipid extraction required for endosome maturation.
DNA material pEGFP-C1-mouse Mon1a (RDB15294) , pEGFP-C1-mouse Ccz1 (RDB15295) Mon1-Ccz1 activates Rab7 only on late endosomes and dissociates from the lysosome in mammalian cells.
Arabidopsis / Cultured plant cells, genes pda Interactions between Transport Protein Particle (TRAPP) complexes and Rab GTPases in Arabidopsis.
C.elegans tm1320 , tm5356 SNX3-retromer requires an evolutionary conserved MON2:DOPEY2:ATP9A complex to mediate Wntless sorting and Wnt secretion.
C.elegans tm2523 , tm1447 RAB-10 Promotes EHBP-1 Bridging of Filamentous Actin and Tubular Recycling Endosomes.
Drosophila 2023R-1 Sec20 is Required for Autophagic and Endocytic Degradation Independent of Golgi-ER Retrograde Transport.
Drosophila Vps35 in cooperation with LRRK2 regulates synaptic vesicle endocytosis through the endosomal pathway in Drosophila.
Drosophila DGRC#102398 WASH phosphorylation balances endosomal versus cortical actin network integrities during epithelial morphogenesis.
Drosophila 10144R-1 , 7891R-2 , DGRC#141824 , DGRC#141970 Vps8 overexpression inhibits HOPS-dependent trafficking routes by outcompeting Vps41/Lt.
C.elegans tm1215 , tm0246 Endosome maturation factors Rabenosyn-5/VPS45 and caveolin-1 regulate ciliary membrane and polycystin-2 homeostasis.
C.elegans tm920 , tm592 A Caenorhabditis elegans Homologue of LYST Functions in Endosome and Lysosome-Related Organelle Biogenesis.