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  • Search Condition : Filter (MeSH = Wnt Signaling Pathway / genetics*)
Species Resource Title
Human and Animal Cells HS-SY-II(RCB2231) The fusion protein SS18-SSX1 employs core Wnt pathway transcription factors to induce a partial Wnt signature in synovial sarcoma.
C.elegans tm2143 Wnt signaling establishes the microtubule polarity in neurons through regulation of Kinesin-13.
Mice RBRC05765 The H2A.Z histone variant integrates Wnt signaling in intestinal epithelial homeostasis.
Zebrafish landlocked rw468 PCP and Wnt pathway components act in parallel during zebrafish mechanosensory hair cell orientation.
Zebrafish Tg(6xTcf/LefBS-miniP:d2EGFP) , Tg(6xTcf/LefBS-miniP:Eluc-CP) Cell competition corrects noisy Wnt morphogen gradients to achieve robust patterning in the zebrafish embryo.
Human and Animal Cells PC-9(RCB4455) Progesterone receptor membrane component 1 leads to erlotinib resistance, initiating crosstalk of Wnt/β-catenin and NF-κB pathways, in lung adenocarcinoma cells.
Human and Animal Cells PC-9(RCB4455) miR‑20b promotes growth of non‑small cell lung cancer through a positive feedback loop of the Wnt/β‑catenin signaling pathway.
Human and Animal Cells ATDC5(RCB0565) Wnt/β-catenin signaling contributes to articular cartilage homeostasis through lubricin induction in the superficial zone.
Human and Animal Cells ST2(RCB0224) Histone demethylase KDM7A reciprocally regulates adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation via regulation of C/EBPα and canonical Wnt signalling.
Human and Animal Cells MC3T3-E1(RCB1126) Involvement of miR-140-3p in Wnt3a and TGFβ3 signaling pathways during osteoblast differentiation in MC3T3-E1 cells.
C.elegans tm306 C. elegans fmi-1/flamingo and Wnt pathway components interact genetically to control the anteroposterior neurite growth of the VD GABAergic neurons.
C.elegans tm1422 Cell intrinsic modulation of Wnt signaling controls neuroblast migration in C. elegans.
Human and Animal Cells MKN45(RCB1001) , Kato III(RCB2088) Context-dependent activation of Wnt signaling by tumor suppressor RUNX3 in gastric cancer cells.
Human and Animal Cells KUSA-O(RCB1991) , ST2(RCB0224) Canonical Wnt signaling activates miR-34 expression during osteoblastic differentiation.