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Zebrafish UAS:GFP Gal80 intersectional regulation of cell-type specific expression in vertebrates.
Zebrafish SAGFF(LF)214A Notochord vacuoles are lysosome-related organelles that function in axis and spine morphogenesis.
Zebrafish XIG8A Transient reduction of 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine is associated with active DNA demethylation during regeneration of zebrafish fin.
Zebrafish HGn39D Dynamics of axonal regeneration in adult and aging zebrafish reveal the promoting effect of a first lesion.
Zebrafish hspGFF3A Compound heterozygosity deteriorates phenotypes of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with founder MYBPC3 mutation: evidence from patients and zebrafish models.
Zebrafish HGn39D , hspGFF53A , UAS:GFP Converging axons collectively initiate and maintain synaptic selectivity in a constantly remodeling sensory organ.
Zebrafish SAGFF(LF)214A , USA:GFP Segmentation of the zebrafish axial skeleton relies on notochord sheath cells and not on the segmentation clock.
Zebrafish HGn39D Sensory hair cell regeneration in the zebrafish lateral line.
Zebrafish UAS:GCaMPHS Optic tectal superficial interneurons detect motion in larval zebrafish.
Zebrafish HGn21A In Toto Imaging of Dynamic Osteoblast Behaviors in Regenerating Skeletal Bone.
Zebrafish mnGFF7, UAS:GFP, gSAIzGFFM765B, gSAG6A, gSA2AzGFF152B Motor context dominates output from purkinje cell functional regions during reflexive visuomotor behaviours.
Zebrafish UAS:GCaMP6s Larval Zebrafish Use Olfactory Detection of Sodium and Chloride to Avoid Salt Water.
Zebrafish UAS:GFP A switch in pdgfrb+ cell-derived ECM composition prevents inhibitory scarring and promotes axon regeneration in the zebrafish spinal cord.
Zebrafish UAS:GFP Endothelial cell-type-specific molecular requirements for angiogenesis drive fenestrated vessel development in the brain.
Zebrafish UAS:GFP Mechanism of Pacemaker Activity in Zebrafish DC2/4 Dopaminergic Neurons.
Zebrafish UAS:GFP Small compounds mimicking the adhesion molecule L1 improve recovery in a zebrafish demyelination model.
Zebrafish hspGFFDMC130A , hspGFF62A A Forward Genetic Screen in Zebrafish Identifies the G-Protein-Coupled Receptor CaSR as a Modulator of Sensorimotor Decision Making.
Zebrafish hspGFFDMC130A , hspGFF62A Acute Regulation of Habituation Learning via Posttranslational Palmitoylation.
Zebrafish SAGFF(LF)36B, UAS:ChRWR-EGFP Position- and quantity-dependent responses in zebrafish turning behavior.
Zebrafish gSA2AzGFF152B, gSAIzGFFM765B, gSAG6A, gSAIGFF23C, SAGFF(LF)128A, hspGFF57A, SAGFF(LF)157B, hspGFFDMC90A Sensorimotor Representations in Cerebellar Granule Cells in Larval Zebrafish Are Dense, Spatially Organized, and Non-temporally Patterned.