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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Barley AND Resource = EST Clones)
Species Resource Title
Barley EST Clones Fine mapping of short rachilla hair gene (srh) in barley and an association study using flanking molecular markers and world germplasms.
Barley EST Clones A high-density transcript linkage map of barley derived from a single population.
Barley EST Clones HvLsi1 is a silicon influx transporter in barley.
Barley EST Clones Mapping of the eibi1 gene responsible for the drought hypersensitive cuticle in wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) .
Barley EST Clones An atlas of gene expression from seed to seed through barley development.
Barley , Wheat EST Clones , H602 , Akashinriki , Haruna Nijo , LPGKU2085~2104 Chromosomal assignment and deletion mapping of barley EST markers.
Barley EST Clones , BAC Clones Construction and characterization of a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library for Japanese malting barley 'Haruna Nijo'.
Barley EST Clones , Wheat(KT001-001 , KT003-005) Linkage Map Construction and QTL Dtection Based on Barley ESTs in A genome Diploid Wheat.
Barley EST Clones QTL analysis of Fusarium head blight resistance using a high-density linkage map in barley.
Barley EST Clones , Haruna Nijo , Akashinriki , H602 Extended application of barley EST markers for the analysis of alien chromosmes added to wheat genetic background.