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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Pathogenic microorganisms AND Resource = IFM 40009)
Species Resource Title
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 41362 , IFM 41398 Novoamauromine and ent-Cycloechinulin: two new diketopiperazine derivatives from Aspergillus novofumigatus.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 40769 , IFM 40997 酸性電解水(アクア酸化水)および市販消毒薬の真菌に対する殺菌効果の比較 /Comparison of the Fungicidal Action of Acidic Electrolyzed Water (Aqua Oxidizing Water) and Commercial Disinfectants
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 40107 抗真菌剤の in vitro 及び in vivo 評価の方法
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 4942 , IFM 40009 , IFM 40018 , IFM 40019 , IFM 40020 , IFM 40021 , IFM 40046 , IFM 40065 , IFM 40085 , IFM 40088 , ... Amphotericin B のin vitroおよび in vivo 活性の再評価
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 血清中 Candida マンナンのビーズ法による検出ーAB-ELISA法との比較ー/Bead Method for Candida Mannan Detection in Serum Comparison with Avidin-Biotin Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 ヒト肺胞マクロファージの Candida albicans に対する食菌能および殺菌能の測定系に関する検討/Measurement of Defense Ability of human Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage against Candida albicans
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 Nitroblue tetrazolium 還元試験を用いたヒト多形核白血球のCandida albicans に対する食菌能とsuperoxide 産生能の同時測定法
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 カンジダ感染に対する BRM の防御効果
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 マウスのCandida albicans 感染における免疫の役割
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 カンジダ症の動物実験モデルに関する研究
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 パネルディスカッション・真菌感染と宿主抵抗性 真菌感染症とマクロファージ
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 40734 トランスフェリンの抗Candida 作用の研究
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40008 , IFM 40009 ヌードマウスの実験的カンジダ症における問題点
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 40215 , IFM 41243 , IFM 41398 , IFM 54246 Antifungal Substances Isolated from Aspergillus fumigatus IFM 54246, Obtained from a Brasilian soil
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 40215 , IFM 41243 , IFM 51759 Antifungal activity of pyranone and furanone derivatives, isolated from Aspergillus sp. IFM51759, against Aspergillus fumigatus
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 40210 Rapid and extensive vacuolation of the budding yeastsSaccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans by amphotericin B
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 Influences of immunosuppressive agents, FK506 and cyclosporin on systemic Candida albicans infection in mice.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 Studies on defense mechanisms against Candida albicans infection in congenitally athymic nude (nu/nu) mice.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 40100 , IFM 40101 , IFM 40102 The role of microfilaments and microtubules during pH-regulated morphological transition in Candida albicans.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 Protective effect of OK-432 (a streptococcal preparation) on experimental candidiasis.