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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Pathogenic microorganisms AND Resource = IFM 40215)
Species Resource Title
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40118 , IFM 40213 , IFM 40215 , IFM 40217 , IFM 40218 抗真菌剤に対する病原真菌の耐性獲得に関する研究./In vitro emergence of resistant fungal strains after serial subculturing on gradiently increasing concentrations of five different antifungal agents
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 40215 , IFM 41243 , IFM 41398 , IFM 54246 Antifungal Substances Isolated from Aspergillus fumigatus IFM 54246, Obtained from a Brasilian soil
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 40215 , IFM 41243 , IFM 51759 Antifungal activity of pyranone and furanone derivatives, isolated from Aspergillus sp. IFM51759, against Aspergillus fumigatus
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 5844 , IFM 5845 , IFM 40009 , IFM 40215 , IFM 40216 Atypical Cryptococcus neoformans isolate from an HIV-infected patient in Brazil.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40213 , IFM 40214 , IFM 40215 , IFM 40216 , IFM 40217 , IFM 40218 会報・日本医真菌学会標準化委員会報告(1992〜1994).
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 5369 , IFM 5774 , IFM 5798 , IFM 40205 , IFM 40213 , IFM 40215 , IFM 40217 , IFM 41236 , IFM 41374 , IFM 46829 Antifungal agents from the roots of Cudrania cochinchinensis against Candida, Cryptococcus, and Aspergillus species.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 41219 , IFM 46835 , IFM 48137 , IFM 0466 , IFM 40007 , IFM 40089 , IFM 40213 , IFM 40215 , IFM 40217 , IFM 40218 A new antifungal macrolide component, brasilinolide B, produced by Nocardia brasiliensis.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 4942 , IFM 40009 , IFM 40215 , IFM 40819 , IFM 41243 , IFM 41375 , IFM 41382 , IFM 46075 , IFM 47064 , IFM 47078 , ... New pentanorlanostane derivatives, cladosporide B-D, as characteristic antifungal agents against Aspergillus fumigatus, isolated from Cladosporium sp.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 5798 , IFM 5801 , IFM 40018 , IFM 40213 , IFM 40214 , IFM 40215 , IFM 40216 , IFM 40217 , IFM 40218 , IFM 40614 , ... LI-F antibiotics, a family of antifungal cyclic depsipeptides produced by Bacillus polymyxa L-1129
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 2057 , IFM 40213 , IFM 40215 Pyrinodemins B-D, potent cytotoxic bis-pyridine alkaloids from marine sponge amphimedon sp.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 4942 , IFM 40213 , IFM 40214 , IFM 40215 , IFM 40819 , IFM 41375 , IFM 41382 , IFM 46075 , IFM 46816 , IFM 46823 , ... A new pentanorlanostane derivative, cladosporide A, as a characteristic antifungal agent against Aspergillus fumigatus, isolated from Cladosporium sp.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40213 , IFM 40214 , IFM 40215 , IFM 41243 , IFM 41934 , IFM 46816 , IFM 46823 , IFM 46863 , IFM 46921 , IFM 47182 , ... Tetranorditerpene lactones, potent antifungal antibiotics for human pathogenic yeasts, from a unique species of Oidiodendron.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 5368 , IFM 40213 , IFM 40215 Synthesis of arnoamine B and related compounds.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 5817 , IFM 5880 , IFM 5882 , IFM 40215 , IFM 40216 , IFM 41362 , IFM 46089 , IFM 46139 , IFM 46501 , IFM 46660 , ... In-vitro antifungal activities of sulfa drugs against clinical isolates of Aspergillus and Cryptococcus species.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 40215 , IFM 41362 , IFM 41398 , IFM 53298 New citrinin derivatives isolated from Penicillium citrinum.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 0150 , IFM 0284 , IFM 0319 , IFM 2057 , IFM 5368 , IFM 10065 , IFM 10489 , IFM 40213 , IFM 40215 Transvalencin Z, a new antimicrobial compound with salicylic acid residue from Nocardia transvalensis IFM 10065.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 40215 , IFM 41243 , IFM 41362 , IFM 41398 , IFM 53375 New penicillide derivatives isolated from Penicillium simplicissimum.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 4802 , IFM 4887 , IFM 4928 , IFM 5275 , IFM 40210 , IFM 40213 , IFM 40214 , IFM 40215 , IFM 40216 , IFM 40515 , ... A new antifungal macrolide, eushearilide, isolated from Eupenicillium shearii.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 40215 , IFM 41243 , IFM 41300 , IFM 41398 4-benzyl-3-phenyl-5H-furan-2-one, a vasodilator isolated from Malbranchea filamentosa IFM 41300.
Pathogenic microorganisms IFM 40009 , IFM 40215 , IFM 41362 , IFM 41398 , IFM 52672 The absolute structures of dihydroepiheveadride, as characteristic antifungal agent filamentous fungi, and its related compounds from unidentified fungus IFM 52672.