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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Human embryonic stem cells AND Author's Country of Origin = Japan)
Species Resource Title
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 Meningeal cells induce dopaminergic neurons from embryonic stem cells.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 Unique multipotent cells in adult human mesenchymal cell populations.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 Role of SOX2 in maintaining pluripotency of human embryonic stem cells.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 Molecular pathway and cell state responsible for dissociation-induced apoptosis in human pluripotent stem cells.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 , KhES-3 Defining early lineage specification of human embryonic stem cells by the orchestrated balance of canonical Wnt/beta-catenin, Activin/Nodal and BMP signaling.
Human embryonic stem cells Directed induction of anterior and posterior primitive streak by Wnt from embryonic stem cells cultured in a chemically defined serum-free medium.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 Differentiation of mouse and human embryonic stem cells into hepatic lineages.
Human embryonic stem cells , Human and Animal Cells KhES-1 , KhES-2 , KhES-3 , 10T1/2(RCB0247) Generation of functional platelets from human embryonic stem cells in vitro via ES-sacs, VEGF-promoted structures that concentrate hematopoietic progenitors.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 , KhES-3 Highly efficient transient gene expression and gene targeting in primate embryonic stem cells with helper-dependent adenoviral vectors.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 , KhES-2 , KhES-3 A feeder-free and efficient production of functional neutrophils from human embryonic stem cells.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 , KhES-3 Genetically manipulated human embryonic stem cell-derived dendritic cells with immune regulatory function.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 , KhES-2 , KhES-3 A ROCK inhibitor permits survival of dissociated human embryonic stem cells.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-2 , KhES-3 Apoptosis and differentiation of human embryonic stem cells induced by sustained activation of c-Myc.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 , KhES-2 , KhES-3 Efficient multicistronic expression of a transgene in human embryonic stem cells.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 Pathway for differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to vascular cell components and their potential for vascular regeneration.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 Neural conversion of ES cells by an inductive activity on human amniotic membrane matrix.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 , KhES-2 , KhES-3 A method for the selection of human embryonic stem cell sublines with high replating efficiency after single-cell dissociation.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 Pluripotential competence of cells associated with Nanog activity.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 Octamer and Sox elements are required for transcriptional cis regulation of Nanog gene expression.
Human embryonic stem cells KhES-1 A simple and efficient cryopreservation method for primate embryonic stem cells.