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Species Resource Title
DNA material pCAG-Fucci2a (RDB13080) Enhanced Cell-Based Detection of Parvovirus B19V Infectious Units According to Cell Cycle Status.
DNA material pEF-HA-M-INK (RDB18649) A Novel Method for Visualizing Melanosome and Melanin Distribution in Human Skin Tissues.
DNA material CEPH MEGA YAC clone (RDB04215) Continuum of overlapping clones spanning the entire human chromosome 21q.
DNA material CEPH MEGA YAC clone (RDB04215) A first-generation physical map of the human genome.
DNA material pMT-PURO (RDB08532) Sensing of Escherichia coli and LPS by mammary epithelial cells is modulated by O-antigen chain and CD14.
DNA material pSpCas9(BB)-2A-puro-ACAT1 sgRNA (RDB14697) , pSpCas9(BB)-2A-puro-ACAT2 sgRNA (RDB14698) , pDEST/mCherry-Rab18 (RDB14699) , pDEST/mCherry-Rab18 Q67L (RDB14700) , pDEST/mCherry-Rab18 S22N (RDB14701). Acute accumulation of free cholesterol induces the degradation of perilipin 2 and Rab18-dependent fusion of ER and lipid droplets in cultured human hepatocytes.
DNA material pET28/Oly-EGFP-His6 (RDB13963) , pET28/EryA-EGFP-His6 (RDB13964). Evaluation of aegerolysins as novel tools to detect and visualize ceramide phosphoethanolamine, a major sphingolipid in invertebrates.
DNA material pDUAL-YFH1 (RDB06191) , pDUAL-FFH1 (RDB06185) , S. pombe YFP-FLAG-His clones SpYFH50B06 (SPW100030) , SpYFH41F09 (SPW096529) , SpYFH25C12 (SPW090060). Interactions between peptidyl tRNA hydrolase homologs and the ribosomal release factor Mrf1 in S. pombe mitochondria.
DNA material , Yeast pDUAL-FFH1 (RDB06185) , S. pombe FLAG2-His , FY14145 , FY14191 A genome wide study in fission yeast reveals nine PPR proteins that regulate mitochondrial gene expression.
DNA material pxCANCre (RDB01675) Integrin alpha5beta1 is necessary for regulation of radial migration of cortical neurons during mouse brain development.
DNA material S. pombe YFP-FLAG-His SpYFH19G10 (SPW087754) Specific splicing defects in S. pombe carrying a degron allele of the Survival of Motor Neuron gene.
DNA material AxCANCre (RDB01748) , AxCANLacZ (RDB01749). Adipose tissue-specific inactivation of the retinoblastoma protein protects against diabesity because of increased energy expenditure.