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Species Resource Title
DNA material human glypican-1 in pcDNA3.1(+) (RDB20345) , full-length human XT2 in pcDNA3.1(+) (RDB20346) Molecular mechanism of decision-making in glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis.
DNA material pcDNA3 Venus-Akaluc (RDB15781) Firefly luciferase offers superior performance to AkaLuc for tracking the fate of administered cell therapies.
DNA material pEBMulti-Neo-human-eIF2alpha-PA (RDB18639) , pEBMulti-Neo-human-eIF2alpha-S52A-PA (RDBv) , pETDuet-2B4-2B2_dE310K (RDB18641) , pETDuet-2B4-2B2_dL314Q (RDB18642) ISRIB Blunts the Integrated Stress Response by Allosterically Antagonising the Inhibitory Effect of Phosphorylated eIF2 on eIF2B.
DNA material pCDNA5-Frt-CAG-Arl13bCerulean-Fucci2a (RDB16057) , pRosa26-CAG-floxNeo-Arl13bCerulean-Fucci2a (RDB16058) , pCAG-Arl13bCerulean-Fucci2a (RDB16059) , pCAG-Fucci2a (RDB13080) , pROSA-floxNeo-Fucci2a (RDB13081) A Cell/Cilia Cycle Biosensor for Single-Cell Kinetics Reveals Persistence of Cilia after G1/S Transition Is a General Property in Cells and Mice.
DNA material pBlKS hCMV*-1 b-globinpA (RDB09232). Quantitative expression of Oct-3/4 defines differentiation, dedifferentiation or self-renewal of ES cells.
DNA material pDUAL-FFH41 (RDB06186) Deoxynucleoside Salvage in Fission Yeast Allows Rescue of Ribonucleotide Reductase Deficiency but Not Spd1-Mediated Inhibition of Replication.
DNA material pDUAL-GFH41 (RDB06189) Centromere localization and function of Mis18 requires Yippee-like domain-mediated oligomerization.
DNA material pEF-BOS FLAG-mouse Rab29 (RDB14971) , pEF-BOS FLAG-mouse Rab29-Q67L (RDB14972) , pEF-BOS FLAG-mouse Rab29-T21N (RDB14973). C9orf72 and RAB7L1 regulate vesicle trafficking in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia.
DNA material SpYFH01A01 (SPW084810) , SpYFH26H06 (SPW090574) , SpYFH46G08 (SPW098552) , SpYFH41B01 (SPW096425) , SpYFH35A12 (SPW094012) , SpYFH50F03 (SPW100123) , SpYFH07D07 (SPW082879) , SpYFH45H04 (SPW098172) , SpYFH29E06 (SPW091702) , SpYFH13C06 (SPW085254) , ... Genome-wide screen for cell growth regulators in fission yeast.
DNA material pDUAL (RDB06178) Structural and functional characterization of Rpn12 identifies residues required for Rpn10 proteasome incorporation.
DNA material pDUAL (RDB06178) Splicing-dependent NMD does not require the EJC in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
DNA material pDUAL-FFH1c (RDB06142) , S. pombe ORFeome Entry clone SpENT39D03 (SPW015675). Improved tools for efficient mapping of fission yeast genes: identification of microtubule nucleation modifier mod22-1 as an allele of chromatin- remodelling factor gene swr1.
DNA material pCAG-Fucci2a (RDB13080) , pROSA-floxNeo-Fucci2a (RDB13081) , pCDNA5-Frt-Fucci2a (RDB16056) Fucci2a: a bicistronic cell cycle reporter that allows Cre mediated tissue specific expression in mice.
DNA material pPyCAG-EGFP-IZ (RDB08526) Histone H3 Lysine 36 Trimethylation Is Established over the Xist Promoter by Antisense Tsix Transcription and Contributes to Repressing Xist Expression.
DNA material NIA 15K Mouse cDNA Clone H3001A06 (MCH000406) , H3001D07 (MCH000479) , H3001E07 (MCH000503) , H3004E08 (MCH001704) , H3011D11 (MCH004483) , H3016G11 (MCH006555) , H3017E04 (MCH006900) , H3031C12 (MCH012460) , H3041C04 (MCH016452). Novel gene expression patterns along the proximo-distal axis of the mouse embryo before gastrulation.
DNA material , Rats Rat BAC RNB1 , LE/Stm(strainID=265) Genome sequencing reveals loci under artificial selection that underlie disease phenotypes in the laboratory rat.
DNA material , Rats Rat BAC RNB2 , LE/Stm(strainID=265) Combined sequence-based and genetic mapping analysis of complex traits in outbred rats.
DNA material pDUAL-GFH1c (RDB06145) , pDUAL-HFG1c (RDB06133) , pDUAL-HFG41c (RDB06134) , pDUAL-HFG81c (RDB06135) , pDUAL-GFH1c (RDB06145) , pDUAL-GFH41c (RDB06146) , pDUAL-GFH81c (RDB06147) , pDUAL (RDB06178) , pDUAL-HFG31c (RDB06494) , pDUAL-HFG51c (RDB06495) , ... New and old reagents for fluorescent protein tagging of microtubules in fission yeast; experimental and critical evaluation.
DNA material pDUAL-FFH1c (RDB06142) , S. pombe FLAG2-His , SpFFH20F06 (SPW048126) , SpFFH47B10 (SPW058834) Constitutively active Cullin-RING-Ligases fail to rescue loss of NEDD8 conjugation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
DNA material pco12 EGFR (RDB01276) Production of soluble mammalian proteins in Escherichia coli: identification of protein features that correlate with successful expression.