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Species Resource Title
Cellular slime molds Dd-STATb, a Dictyostelium STAT protein with a highly aberrant SH2 domain, functions as a regulator of gene expression during growth and early development.
Cellular slime molds GSK3 is a multifunctional regulator of Dictyostelium development.
Cellular slime molds A STAT-regulated, stress-induced signalling pathway in Dictyostelium.
Cellular slime molds S90402 , S90403 The prokaryote messenger c-di-GMP triggers stalk cell differentiation in Dictyostelium.
Cellular slime molds S90379 Transcriptional repression by a bZIP protein regulates Dictyostelium prespore differentiation.
Cellular slime molds S90250 , S90296 , S90297 Sex determination in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum.
Cellular slime molds S00333 Mutants in the Dictyostelium Arp2/3 complex and chemoattractant-induced actin polymerization.
Cellular slime molds S00181 Cell motility and SCAR localisation in axenically growing Dictyostelium cells.
Cellular slime molds S90379 The Dictyostelium bZIP transcription factor DimB regulates prestalk-specific gene expression.
Cellular slime molds S00249 Dictyostelium RasD is required for normal phototaxis, but not differentiation.
Cellular slime molds S90304 Analysis of the promoter of the cudA gene reveals novel mechanisms of Dictyostelium cell type differentiation.
Cellular slime molds S00141 , S00482 An intersection of the cAMP/PKA and two-component signal transduction systems in Dictyostelium.
Cellular slime molds S00482 , S00489 Evidence that the RdeA protein is a component of a multistep phosphorelay modulating rate of development in Dictyostelium.
Cellular slime molds S00251 Dictyostelium RasG is required for normal motility and cytokinesis, but not growth.
Cellular slime molds S90304 cudA: a Dictyostelium gene with pleiotropic effects on cellular differentiation and slug behaviour.
Cellular slime molds S90367 Cloning vectors for the production of proteins in Dictyostelium discoideum.
Cellular slime molds S00470 A simple method of generating axenic derivatives of Dictyostelium strains.
Cellular slime molds G22673 Defective ribosome assembly in Shwachman-Diamond syndrome.
Cellular slime molds G01747 , G03261 Glycogen synthase kinase-3 is required for efficient Dictyostelium chemotaxis.
Cellular slime molds G01728 , S90277 , S90278 Replacement of the essential Dictyostelium Arp2 gene by its Entamoeba homologue using parasexual genetics.