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  • Search Condition : Filter (Species = Zebrafish AND Resource = Tg(chx10:GFP))
Species Resource Title
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) Neuroprotective gap-junction-mediated bystander transformations in the adult zebrafish spinal cord after injury.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:lRl-GFP) , Tg(shox2-hs:Gal4) , Tg(vachta-hs:GFP) , Tg(esrrga-hs:lRl-GFP) , Tg(chx10:GFP) Molecular blueprints for spinal circuit modules controlling locomotor speed in zebrafish
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) Spinal Basis of Direction Control during Locomotion in Larval Zebrafish
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tg(chx10:lRl-GFP) , Tg(gata3:lRl-GFP) Clonally related, Notch-differentiated spinal neurons integrate into distinct circuits
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tg(chx10:Gal4) De novo establishment of circuit modules restores locomotion after spinal cord injury in adult zebrafish
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tg(chx10:lRl-GFP) , Tg(dbx1b:Cre) , Tg(glyt2:lRl-Gal4) , Tg(dmrt3a:GFP) , Tg(dmrt3a:Gal4) Mixed synapses reconcile violations of the size principle in zebrafish spinal cord
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tol-056 A specialized spinal circuit for command amplification and directionality during escape behavior.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tg(vsx1:GFP) Notch-mediated re-specification of neuronal identity during central nervous system development.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) Locomotion dependent neuron-glia interactions control neurogenesis and regeneration in the adult zebrafish spinal cord.
Zebrafish Tol-056 , Tg(gad1b:GFP) , Tg(glyt2:lRl-GFP) , Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tg(chx10:Gal4) , Tg(vglut2a:lRl-GFP) , Tg(zCREST2-hsp70:GFP) Spinal sensory neurons project onto the hindbrain to stabilize posture and enhance locomotor speed.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) Spatiotemporal Transition in the Role of Synaptic Inhibition to the Tail Beat Rhythm of Developing Larval Zebrafish.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) Multiple Rhythm-Generating Circuits Act in Tandem with Pacemaker Properties to Control the Start and Speed of Locomotion.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tg(glyt2:lRl-GFP) , Tg(dbx1b:Cre) Hierarchical control of locomotion by distinct types of spinal V2a interneurons in zebrafish.
Zebrafish Tg(CM-isl1:GFP)rw0 , Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tg(vglut2a:GFP) , Tg(gad1b:GFP) , Tg (brn3a-hsp70:GFP)rw0110b , Tg(narp:GAL4VP16)rw0143a Distribution and neuronal circuit of spexin 1/2 neurons in the zebrafish CNS.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tg(vglut2a:lRl-GFP) , Tg(vglut2a:GFP) , Tg(gad1b:GFP) , Tg(gad1b:lRl-GFP) Large-Scale Analysis of the Diversity and Complexity of the Adult Spinal Cord Neurotransmitter Typology.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) Deterministic fate assignment of Müller glia cells in the zebrafish retina suggests a clonal backbone during development.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tg(chx10:Kaede) , UAS:GCaMP6s Chronology-based architecture of descending circuits that underlie the development of locomotor repertoire after birth.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) V2a interneuron diversity tailors spinal circuit organization to control the vigor of locomotor movements.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) Antagonism between Gdf6a and retinoic acid pathways controls timing of retinal neurogenesis and growth of the eye in zebrafish.
Zebrafish Tg(chx10:GFP) , Tg(vglut2a:loxP-DsRed-loxP-GFP) Lmx1b is required for the glutamatergic fates of a subset of spinal cord neurons.