• 11 Hits
  • 検索条件 : 絞込み (MeSH = Chromosomes / ultrastructure)
生物種 リソース名 タイトル
ヒト・動物細胞 BRC6(AES0010) Topological organization of multichromosomal regions by the long intergenic noncoding RNA Firre.
イネ O.glaberrima introgression lines Lineage-specific gene acquisition or loss is involved in interspecific hybrid sterility in rice.
ツメガエル・イモリ X. tropicalis Distribution of the T2-MITE Family Transposons in the Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis Genome.
線虫 tm611 Dynein-dependent processive chromosome motions promote homologous pairing in C. elegans meiosis.
細胞性粘菌 S90423 Breakdown of self/nonself recognition in cannibalistic strains of the predatory slime mold, Dictyostelium caveatum.
細胞性粘菌 S00218 Genetics of the cellular slime molds.
遺伝子材料 pEGFP-MBD-nls (RDB08344) Dynamic changes in the epigenomic state and nuclear organization of differentiating mouse embryonic stem cells.
酵母 A non-canonical function of topoisomerase II in disentangling dysfunctional telomeres.
カイコ p50 Extensive conserved synteny of genes between the karyotypes of Manduca sexta and Bombyx mori revealed by BAC-FISH mapping.
ヒト・動物細胞 TGBC47TKB(RCB1262) , TGBC51TKB(RCB1281) , MDA-MB-453(RCB1192) Characterization and genetic analysis in the newly established human bile duct cancer cell lines.
メダカ NA Transposition mechanisms and biotechnology applications of the medaka fish Tol2 transposable element.