RRC ID 12777
Author Honma Y, Yoshida Y, Terachi T, Toriyama K, Mikami T, Kubo T.
Title Polymorphic minisatellites in the mitochondrial DNAs of Oryza and Brassica.
Journal Curr Genet
Abstract Polymorphic analyses of angiosperm mitochondrial DNA are rare in comparison with chloroplast DNA, because few target sequences in angiosperm mitochondrial DNA are known. Minisatellites, a tandem array of repeated sequences with a repeat unit of 10 to ~100 bp, are popular target sequences of animal mitochondria, but Beta vulgaris is the only known angiosperm species for which such an analysis has been conducted. From this lack of information, it was uncertain as to whether polymorphic minisatellites existed in other angiosperm species. Ten plant mitochondrial DNAs were found to contain minisatellite-like repeated sequences, most of which were located in intergenic regions but a few occurred in gene coding and intronic regions. Oryza and Brassica accessions were selected as models for the investigation of minisatellite polymorphism because substantial systematic information existed. PCR analysis of 42 Oryza accessions revealed length polymorphisms in four of the five minisatellites. The mitochondrial haplotypes of the 16 Oryza accessions with chromosomal complement (genome) types of CC, BBCC and CCDD were identical but were clearly distinguished from BB-genome accessions, a result consistent with the notion that the cytoplasmic donor parent of the amphidiploid species might be the CC-genome species. Twenty-nine accessions of six major cultivated species of Brassica were classified into five mitochondrial haplotypes based on two polymorphic minisatellites out of six loci. The haplotypes of Brassica juncea and Brassica carinata accessions were identical to Brassica rapa and Brassica nigra accessions, respectively. The haplotypes of Brassica napus accessions were heterogeneous and unique, results that were consistent with previous studies.
Volume 57(4)
Pages 261-70
Published 2011-8-1
DOI 10.1007/s00294-011-0345-3
PMID 21562713
MeSH Brassica / genetics* DNA, Mitochondrial / genetics* Minisatellite Repeats* Molecular Sequence Data Oryza / genetics* Polymorphism, Genetic*
IF 3.464
Times Cited 11
Rice O.alta(W0017) O. alt or O. latifolia(W1182) O. grandiglumis(W0613 W1194 W2220) O. latifolia(W1166 W1197 W2200) O. australiensis(W0008 W1628) O. longiglumis(W1220) O. ridleyi(W0001 W0604) O. brachyantha(W1401 W1711) O. granulata(W0003 W0067(B)) 野生イネコレクション O. barthii(W0652 O. meyeriana(W1356) W1588) O. glumaepatula(W1169 W2145 W2199) O. longistaminata(W1413 W1508) O. meridionalis(W1625 W1635) O. rufipogon(W0106 W0120 W1294 W1866 W1921 W2003) O. punctata(W1514 W1024) O.minuta( W1213 W1331) O. eichingeri(W1527) O. eichingeri or O. rhizomatis(W1805) O. offisinalis(W0002 W1361 W1830)