Abstract |
Certain forms of seizure involve excessive glutamate transmission. We have recently identified a protein, referred to as the inhibitory protein factor (IPF), which potently inhibits glutamate uptake into isolated synaptic vesicles. In an effort to understand the mechanism underlying excessive glutamate transmission associated with seizure, we have analyzed IPF content in various brain regions of the spontaneously epileptic rat, SER (tm/tm, zi/zi), the absence-seizure tremor rat, TM (tm/tm), and the seizure-free control rats zitter ZI (zi/zi) and Wistar tremor control, each at 13 weeks of age. IPF content was found to be markedly reduced in the hippocampus, but not in the other brain regions, of SER, compared to the control and TM rats. TM rats also exhibited reduced IPF content compared to seizure-free controls. These changes appear developmentally regulated; no such alteration was observed in 8-week-old rats, which rarely show seizure. These observations indicate that an aberrant decrease in IPF is associated with certain forms of seizure; this decrease could lead to an abnormal increase in the amount of exocytotically released glutamate through its excessive accumulation in synaptic vesicles.