RRC ID 28923
Author Lax AJ.
Title The evolution of excitable behaviour in Dictyostelium.
Journal J Cell Sci
Abstract Aggregation of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae is effected by relayed cyclic AMP (cAMP) signals. The period of this wave propagation drops abruptly at the transition from aggregative to post-aggregative development. In this paper I demonstrate that the light-scattering response induced by a low concentration pulse of cAMP evolves from one lasting 5 min to one lasting 2 min. The definitive establishment of the 2-min response coincides with the beginning of post-aggregative gene expression. Amoebae at the aggregative stage are unable to respond to a second cAMP pulse delivered less than 4 min after the first, whereas at the post-aggregative stage they can respond to 2 pulses separated by 1 min or longer. Addition of cAMP phosphodiesterase to amoebae at the aggregative stage can in part mimic the change in excitable behaviour: the response is shortened and the amoebae can respond more frequently. However, the shortened response is not post-aggregative in shape and the prolonged presence of cyclic nucleotides induces different responses at the aggregative and post-aggregative stage. Both these results suggest that the rate of destruction of the relayed signal is not solely responsible for the change in excitability.
Volume 36
Pages 311-21
Published 1979-4-1
DOI 10.1242/jcs.36.1.311
PMID 222789
MeSH 3',5'-Cyclic-AMP Phosphodiesterases / pharmacology Agglutination Cyclic AMP / pharmacology Dictyostelium / drug effects Dictyostelium / physiology* Genes Light Scattering, Radiation
IF 4.573
Cellular slime molds S00158