RRC ID 30589
Author Takeda H, Shimada A.
Title The art of medaka genetics and genomics: what makes them so unique?
Journal Annu Rev Genet
Abstract The medaka fish, Oryzias latipes, is an emerging vertebrate model and now has a high quality draft genome and a number of unique mutants. The long history of medaka research in Japan has provided medaka with unique features, which are complementary to other vertebrate models. A large collection of spontaneous mutants collected over a century, the presence of highly polymorphic inbred lines established over decades, and the recently completed genome sequence all give the medaka a big boost. This review focuses on the state of the art in medaka genetics and genomics, such as the first isolation of active transposons in vertebrates, the influence of chromatin structure on sequence variation, fine quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis, and versatile mutants as human disease models.
Volume 44
Pages 217-41
Published 2010-1-1
DOI 10.1146/annurev-genet-051710-151001
PMID 20731603
MeSH Animals Disease Models, Animal Genetic Techniques* Genome Humans Japan Oryzias / genetics*
IF 11.146
Times Cited 43
Medaka HNI-II (IB176) HdrR-II1 (IB178) HSOK (IB183) d-rR/TOKYO (MT837) database BAC el (MT41) Da (MT20) O. luzonensis (RS270) O. curvinotus O. mekongensis O. minutillus (Chai Nat) (RS277) O. javanicus O. dancena O. celebensis O. nigrimas (RS282) O. matanensis (RS281) i-3 ci Quintet (MT829) Kaga (IB833)