RRC ID 41947
Author Okuda T, Kidoaki S, Ohsaki M, Koyama Y, Yoshikawa K, Niidome T, Aoyagi H.
Title Time-dependent complex formation of dendritic poly(L-lysine) with plasmid DNA and correlation with in vitro transfection efficiencies.
Journal Org Biomol Chem
Abstract Dendritic poly(L-lysine) of the 6th generation shows high transfection efficiency into several cultivated cells with low cytotoxicity. In order to understand the mechanism of complex formation with plasmid DNA, the complex was observed using atomic force microscopy. After mixing for 15 min, 1-2 microns assemblies of complexes composed of several small particles (50-200 nm) were observed. At the same time, individual small complexes of 50 to 500 nm were observed on a mica surface. After incubation for 2 h, only the large complexes were found on the mica surface. As a result of further dynamic light scattering analysis and measurement of the transfection efficiency at different time points, the transfection efficiency of KG6 was found to increase with increasing size of the DNA-complexes. This result indicates that large complexes of more than 1 micron are major species that contribute to transfection in vitro.
Volume 1(8)
Pages 1270-3
Published 2003-4-21
DOI 10.1039/b212086k
PMID 12929654
MeSH DNA / chemistry* Dendritic Cells / chemistry* Light Microscopy, Atomic Force Particle Size Plasmids* Polylysine / chemistry* Scattering, Radiation Spectrometry, Fluorescence Transfection
IF 3.412
Times Cited 54
Human and Animal Cells CHO-K1(RCB0285)