RRC ID 42400
Author Ohmori S, Masuda K, Yoshida M, Arai T, Nakajima S.
Title The study of the characteristic of photocytotoxicity under high peak power pulsed irradiation with ATX-S10Na(II) in vitro.
Journal Lasers Med Sci
Abstract We studied hydrophilic photosensitizer ATX-S10Na(II) mediated photocytotoxicity against macrophage-like cell under pulsed irradiation. We found that photocytotoxicity suppression under high intensity irradiation was directly induced by a decrease in the Type-II photoreaction. We showed that this decrease was not attributable to absorption saturation with the high intensity irradiation. We found the cell lethality change from 70% to 13% with the pulse peak power density ranging from 0.29 MW/cm(2) to 1.36 MW/cm(2), at the light dose of 20 J/cm(2) and the pulse repetition rate at 40 Hz. To investigate the Type-II reaction, we measured the photobleaching, oxygen consumption and singlet oxygen luminescence of the photosensitizer solution. The transient absorption from the photosensitizer during the irradiation was measured with the pump-and-probe technique. We believe that the photocytotoxicity suppression induced by the high intensity irradiation might be useful for the treatment of depth-controlled photodynamic therapy without the wall damage of a hollow organ.
Volume 20(2)
Pages 54-61
Published 2005-9-1
DOI 10.1007/s10103-005-0342-1
PMID 16007477
MeSH Animals Cell Line Cell Survival / drug effects Cell Survival / radiation effects Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation Luminescent Measurements Macrophages / drug effects Macrophages / radiation effects* Mice Oxygen Consumption / drug effects Oxygen Consumption / radiation effects Photochemotherapy* Photosensitizing Agents / chemistry Photosensitizing Agents / pharmacology* Porphyrins / chemistry Porphyrins / pharmacology* Singlet Oxygen / radiation effects Spectrophotometry
IF 2.342
Times Cited 3
Human and Animal Cells J774.1(RCB0434)