RRC ID 44324
Author Wada M, Suzuki M, Liu C, Kaneko Y, Fukuda S, Ando K, Matsufuji N.
Title Modeling the biological response of normal human cells, including repair processes, to fractionated carbon beam irradiation.
Journal J Radiat Res
Abstract To understand the biological response of normal cells to fractionated carbon beam irradiation, the effects of potentially lethal damage repair (PLDR) and sublethal damage repair (SLDR) were both taken into account in a linear-quadratic (LQ) model. The model was verified by the results of a fractionated cell survival experiment with normal human fibroblast cells. Cells were irradiated with 200-kV X-rays and monoenergetic carbon ion beams (290 MeV/u) at two irradiation depths, corresponding to linear energy transfers (LETs) of approximately 13 keV/μm and 75 keV/μm, respectively, at the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba of the National Institute of Radiological Sciences. When we only took into account the repair factor of PLDR, γ, which was derived from the delayed assay, the cell survival response to fractionated carbon ion irradiation was not fully explained in some cases. When both the effects of SLDR and PLDR were taken into account in the LQ model, the cell survival response was well reproduced. The model analysis suggested that PLDR occurs in any type of radiation. The γ factors ranged from 0.36-0.93. In addition, SLD was perfectly repaired during the fraction interval for the lower LET irradiations but remained at about 30% for the high-LET irradiation.
Volume 54(5)
Pages 798-807
Published 2013-9-1
DOI 10.1093/jrr/rrt012
PII rrt012
PMID 23449640
PMC PMC3766285
MeSH Carbon Radioisotopes Cell Line Cell Survival / radiation effects* Computer Simulation DNA Damage / physiology* DNA Damage / radiation effects DNA Repair / physiology* Dose Fractionation, Radiation Dose-Response Relationship, Radiation Fibroblasts / cytology Fibroblasts / physiology* Fibroblasts / radiation effects* Heavy Ion Radiotherapy / methods* Heavy Ions Humans Models, Biological* Radiation
IF 1.95
Times Cited 11
Human and Animal Cells NB1RGB(RCB0222) HFL-I(RCB0521)