RRC ID 47776
Author Seki S, Kusano K, Lee S, Iwasaki Y, Yagisawa M, Ishida M, Hiratsuka T, Sasado T, Naruse K, Yoshizaki G.
Title Production of the medaka derived from vitrified whole testes by germ cell transplantation.
Journal Sci Rep
Abstract The medaka (Oryzias latipes) is a teleost model distinguished from other model organisms by the presence of inbred strains, wild stocks, and related species. Cryopreservation guarantees preservation of these unique biological resources. However, because of their large size, cryopreservation techniques for their eggs and embryos have not been established. In the present study, we established a methodology to produce functional gametes from cryopreserved testicular cells (TCs). Whole testes taken from medaka were cryopreserved by vitrification. After thawing, the cells dissociated from cryopreserved testicular tissues were intraperitoneally transplanted into sterile triploid hatchlings. Some cells, presumably spermatogonial stem cells, migrated into the genital ridges of recipients and resulted in the production of eggs or sperm, based on sex of the recipient. Mating of recipients resulted in successful production of cryopreserved TC-derived offspring. We successfully produced individuals from the Kaga inbred line, an endangered wild population in Tokyo, and a sub-fertile mutant (wnt4b-/-) from cryopreserved their TCs. This methodology facilitates semi-permanent preservation of various medaka strains.
Volume 7
Pages 43185
Published 2017-3-3
DOI 10.1038/srep43185
PII srep43185
PMID 28256523
PMC PMC5335710
MeSH Animals Cell Transplantation / methods* Cryopreservation / methods* Germ Cells / physiology* Germ Cells / radiation effects* Male Oryzias / growth & development* Testis / cytology* Vitrification*
IF 3.998
Times Cited 18
Medaka Kaga (IB833) hatching enzyme