RRC ID 48495
Author Jia M, Potter KC, Peters RJ.
Title Extreme promiscuity of a bacterial and a plant diterpene synthase enables combinatorial biosynthesis.
Journal Metab Eng
Abstract Diterpenes are widely distributed across many biological kingdoms, where they serve a diverse range of physiological functions, and some have significant industrial utility. Their biosynthesis involves class I diterpene synthases (DTSs), whose activity can be preceded by that of class II diterpene cyclases (DTCs). Here, a modular metabolic engineering system was used to examine the promiscuity of DTSs. Strikingly, both a bacterial and plant DTS were found to exhibit extreme promiscuity, reacting with all available precursors with orthogonal activity, producing an olefin or hydroxyl group, respectively. Such DTS promiscuity enables combinatorial biosynthesis, with remarkably high yields for these unoptimized non-native enzymatic combinations (up to 15mg/L). Indeed, it was possible to readily characterize the 13 unknown products. Notably, 16 of the observed diterpenes were previously inaccessible, and these results provide biosynthetic routes that are further expected to enable assembly of more extended pathways to produce additionally elaborated 'non-natural' diterpenoids.
Volume 37
Pages 24-34
Published 2016-9-1
DOI 10.1016/j.ymben.2016.04.001
PII S1096-7176(16)30009-X
PMID 27060773
PMC PMC4907819
MeSH Alkyl and Aryl Transferases / chemistry* Alkyl and Aryl Transferases / genetics Alkyl and Aryl Transferases / metabolism* Biosynthetic Pathways / genetics Diterpenes / chemistry* Diterpenes / metabolism* Escherichia coli / enzymology* Escherichia coli / genetics Metabolic Engineering / methods Metabolic Flux Analysis Metabolic Networks and Pathways / genetics Plant Proteins / chemistry* Plant Proteins / genetics Plant Proteins / metabolism* Recombinant Proteins / chemistry Recombinant Proteins / genetics Recombination, Genetic / genetics
IF 7.263
Times Cited 38
General Microbes JCM 3339