RRC ID 55703
Author Tanaka M.
Title Regulation of germ cell sex identity in medaka.
Journal Curr Top Dev Biol
Abstract Germline stem cells are sexually indifferent or flexible even in the mature ovary and testis. Acquiring sex identity consistent with the sex of the body is a critical issue in germline stem cells for producing eggs or sperm. However, the molecular mechanism of the sexual fate decision in germ cells is unclear. Medaka is the first vertebrate in which germline stem cells were found in the mature ovary (Nakamura, Kobayashi, Nishimura, Higashijima, & Tanaka, 2010), and a germ cell autonomous switch gene involved in the sexual fate decision, foxl3, was identified (Nishimura et al., 2015) in vertebrates. Here, the mechanism underlying the sex identity of germ cells is described based on the current understanding of germ cell behavior during the sexual fate decision. The control of foxl3 expression in germ cells and components acting downstream of foxl3 are also described.
Volume 134
Pages 151-165
Published 2019-1-1
DOI 10.1016/bs.ctdb.2019.01.010
PII S0070-2153(19)30010-9
PMID 30999974
IF 3.641
Times Cited 1