RRC ID 56969
Author Suzuki T, Morishita Y.
Title A quantitative approach to understanding vertebrate limb morphogenesis at the macroscopic tissue level.
Journal Curr Opin Genet Dev
Abstract To understand organ morphogenetic mechanisms, it is essential to clarify how spatiotemporally-regulated molecular/cellular dynamics causes physical tissue deformation. In the case of vertebrate limb development, while some of the genes and oriented cell behaviors underlying morphogenesis have been revealed, tissue deformation dynamics remains incompletely understood. We here introduce our recent work on the reconstruction of tissue deformation dynamics in chick limb development from cell lineage tracing data. This analysis has revealed globally-aligned anisotropic tissue deformation along the proximo-distal axis not only in the distal region but also in the whole limb bud. This result points to a need, as a future challenge, to find oriented molecular/cellular behaviors for realizing the observed anisotropic tissue deformation in both proximal and distal regions, which will lead to systems understanding of limb morphogenesis.
Volume 45
Pages 108-114
Published 2017-8-1
DOI 10.1016/j.gde.2017.04.005
PII S0959-437X(16)30223-4
PMID 28502890
MeSH Animals Anisotropy Cell Lineage Chick Embryo Limb Buds / cytology Limb Buds / growth & development* Organogenesis / physiology* Vertebrates / embryology*
IF 5.288
Times Cited 2
Chicken / Quail