Abstract |
The Japanese wild population of the medaka fish (Oryzias latipes species complex) comprises two genetically distinct groups, the Northern and the Southern Populations, with boundary populations having a unique genotype. It is thought that the boundary populations have been formed through introgressive hybridization between the two groups, because they are fixed with the Northern alleles at two allozymic loci, with the Southern alleles at two other loci, and have a unique allele at one locus. In this study, we examined the genetic population structure of the boundary populations using genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data. Most SNPs of the Toyooka population, a typical boundary population, were shared with the Northern Population, some were shared with the Southern Population, and the remaining SNPs were unique to this population, suggesting that the boundary populations originated and diverged from the Northern Population. Further analyses of different populations using SNPs at eight genomic loci indicated that the boundary populations at different locations share similar genomic constitutions, and can be genetically distinguished from typical Northern Populations by unique SNPs. In addition, the boundary populations in the Maruyama River Basin had Northern mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), while others, from the Fukuda and Kishida River Basins and from the Kumihama Bay area, had Southern mtDNA. These findings suggested that the boundary populations originated from the Northern Population, and then their genomes diverged as a result of geographical isolation, followed by mtDNA introgression from the Southern Population that occurred independently in some populations.