RRC ID 70788
Author Zajac AL, Horne-Badovinac S.
Title Kinesin-directed secretion of basement membrane proteins to a subdomain of the basolateral surface in Drosophila epithelial cells.
Journal Curr Biol
Abstract Epithelial tissues are lined with a sheet-like basement membrane (BM) extracellular matrix at their basal surfaces that plays essential roles in adhesion and signaling. BMs also provide mechanical support to guide morphogenesis. Despite their importance, we know little about how epithelial cells secrete and assemble BMs during development. BM proteins are sorted into a basolateral secretory pathway distinct from other basolateral proteins. Because BM proteins self-assemble into networks, and the BM lines only a small portion of the basolateral domain, we hypothesized that the site of BM protein secretion might be tightly controlled. Using the Drosophila follicular epithelium, we show that kinesin-3 and kinesin-1 motors work together to define this secretion site. Similar to all epithelia, the follicle cells have polarized microtubules (MTs) along their apical-basal axes. These cells collectively migrate, and they also have polarized MTs along the migratory axis at their basal surfaces. We find follicle cell MTs form one interconnected network, which allows kinesins to transport Rab10+ BM secretory vesicles both basally and to the trailing edge of each cell. This positions them near the basal surface and the basal-most region of the lateral domain for exocytosis. When kinesin transport is disrupted, the site of BM protein secretion is expanded, and ectopic BM networks form between cells that impede migration and disrupt tissue architecture. These results show how epithelial cells can define a subdomain on their basolateral surface through MT-based transport and highlight the importance of controlling the exocytic site of network-forming proteins.
Volume 32(4)
Pages 735-748.e10
Published 2022-2-28
DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2021.12.025
PII S0960-9822(21)01701-2
PMID 35021047
PMC PMC8891071
MeSH Animals Basement Membrane / metabolism Drosophila* / metabolism Drosophila Proteins* / genetics Drosophila Proteins* / metabolism Epithelial Cells / metabolism Kinesins Membrane Proteins / metabolism
IF 9.601
Drosophila DGRC#104055