RRC ID 70827
Author Herrera SC, Sainz de la Maza D, Grmai L, Margolis S, Plessel R, Burel M, O'Connor M, Amoyel M, Bach EA.
Title Proliferative stem cells maintain quiescence of their niche by secreting the Activin inhibitor Follistatin.
Journal Dev Cell
Abstract Aging causes stem cell dysfunction as a result of extrinsic and intrinsic changes. Decreased function of the stem cell niche is an important contributor to this dysfunction. We use the Drosophila testis to investigate what factors maintain niche cells. The testis niche comprises quiescent "hub" cells and supports two mitotic stem cell pools: germline stem cells and somatic cyst stem cells (CySCs). We identify the cell-cycle-responsive Dp/E2f1 transcription factor as a crucial non-autonomous regulator required in CySCs to maintain hub cell quiescence. Dp/E2f1 inhibits local Activin ligands through production of the Activin antagonist Follistatin (Fs). Inactivation of Dp/E2f1 or Fs in CySCs or promoting Activin receptor signaling in hub cells causes transdifferentiation of hub cells into fully functional CySCs. This Activin-dependent communication between CySCs and hub regulates the physiological decay of the niche with age and demonstrates that hub cell quiescence results from signals from surrounding stem cells.
Volume 56(16)
Pages 2284-2294.e6
Published 2021-8-23
DOI 10.1016/j.devcel.2021.07.010
PII S1534-5807(21)00593-1
PMID 34363758
PMC PMC8387025
MeSH Activins / metabolism Animals Cell Proliferation Cell Transdifferentiation Drosophila Proteins / genetics Drosophila Proteins / metabolism* Drosophila melanogaster Follistatin / metabolism* Male Spermatozoa / cytology Spermatozoa / metabolism Spermatozoa / physiology Stem Cell Niche* Testis / cytology Transcription Factors / genetics Transcription Factors / metabolism*
IF 10.092
Drosophila DGRC#104055 DGRC#113490 DGRC#105179