RRC ID 70894
Author Ogonuki N, Kyogoku H, Hino T, Osawa Y, Fujiwara Y, Inoue K, Kunieda T, Mizuno S, Tateno H, Sugiyama F, Kitajima TS, Ogura A.
Title Birth of mice from meiotically arrested spermatocytes following biparental meiosis in halved oocytes.
Journal EMBO Rep
Abstract Microinjection of spermatozoa or spermatids into oocytes is a major choice for infertility treatment. However, the use of premeiotic spermatocytes has never been considered because of its technical problems. Here, we show that the efficiency of spermatocyte injection in mice can be improved greatly by reducing the size of the recipient oocytes. Live imaging showed that the underlying mechanism involves reduced premature separation of the spermatocyte's meiotic chromosomes, which produced much greater (19% vs. 1%) birth rates in smaller oocytes. Application of this technique to spermatocyte arrest caused by STX2 deficiency, an azoospermia factor also found in humans, resulted in the production of live offspring. Thus, the microinjection of primary spermatocytes into oocytes may be a potential treatment for overcoming a form of nonobstructive azoospermia caused by meiotic failure.
Volume 23(7)
Pages e54992
Published 2022-7-5
DOI 10.15252/embr.202254992
PMID 35587095
PMC PMC9253789
MeSH Animals Azoospermia* Humans Male Meiosis Mice Oocytes Spermatids Spermatocytes*
IF 7.497
Mice RBRC02565 RBRC05432